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Female business influencers like Grace Lever, Naomi Simson, Lesley Gillespie and many others are trying to send straightforward messages around the globe to encourage more and more women to become financially independent. There are more than 500,000 single mothers in Australia, and this article will help them earn something on the side to shed off some financial stress from their lives.
Read ahead to learn about some at-home digital tips which will help you become financially independent:
Stay consistent; stay dedicated
Utilising the digital world is not rocket science. The three most significant factors that need to considered dedicatedly are focusing on quality content, targeting the correct audience and staying consistent for long periods. Being consistent for a single mother may be challenging initially because of the many chores that she has to take care of apart from handling a digital business profile; however, if you can chalk out a schedule where you can dedicate at least a few hours every day to the digital platforms, then money will follow through as well. If you have tapped the factors mentioned above efficiently, then you can work as a travel researcher, content writer, SEO executive and social media manager for many local businesses. It may not amount to a substantial income, but still, it will be enough as per your efforts.
Dive deep into the digital pool
Remember Kylie Lewis and her small digital company, Of Kin? Just like her, you also need to dive deep into the digital pool to grasp all the opportunities that come your way and learn more each day. You can learn Java, PHP, Python or any other coding language to help local businesses build professional websites, or enrol for a digital marketing course to learn the technicalities of digital marketing because, after the advent of technology, every business is looking for affordable marketers and SEO packages in Sydney, Melbourne, Perth and many other areas. Yes, the competition for single mothers are higher because other people can dedicate more hours to learning and providing work; however, if she is determined and has the right technical expertise, then she can come on top of every expert list there is.
Don’t be afraid to do the right thing
Why are we discussing single mothers only? The reasons are pretty simple, i.e. single mothers have fewer hours to dedicate to other chores, they need more money to raise their kids, and the fact that they may feel lonely & discouraged is quite disheartening. Australian female entrepreneurs have proved that it is a land of opportunities, no matter how small the land area is. One should not be afraid to do the right thing, so every single mother that is out there, if you have a digital idea, then feel free to browse through our articles to get inspired, motivated and a sense of where you can go. The digital world has more opportunities to offer than you can ever imagine. The biggest barrier will be time, however more and more there are services popping up that can mind a child for a few hours, or you can start/do your business when the kids are at school.
So, to all the Sheilas out there! Get up right now, walk to your laptop and start the digital revolution.