Noise pollution has a negative effect on a person’s quality of life, and therefore large construction projects are required to submit documentation that details how they plan to reduce this to acceptable levels. Of course, it would be impossible to build a shopping mall in total silence, but the local authority would have certain limits measured in decibels, and any project would be subject to those figures. Urban noise pollution is a real issue for many people, and here are just a few ways that noise can affect you.
1. Hearing Impairment – Too much noise over a long period of time can lead to a loss of hearing, and this could become total. An environmental consultant would measure the sound levels in the workplace, for example, and if you are in Australia, SERS supply noise monitoring services across the nation. Even if the sound level is not extreme, it is recommended that workers wear ear mufflers. Certain industries, such as construction and ship building have always had a history of employees with hearing impairment due to constant noise pollution.
2. Psychological Damage – Being exposed to loud noise can irritate a person at the best of times, and cause some to be seriously depressed, and the same goes for animals, with fireworks causing a lot of stress to residential pets. Too much noise can make a person very anti-social, and this can cause problems, both at home and at work, and the negative knock on effect can seriously damage worker morale, and even cause heated arguments.
3. Heart Issues – You might be forgiven for thinking that a little noise won’t harm your heart, but, according to research, constant exposure to loud noise causes stress and this can affect a person’s heart. Stress hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline are raised in stressful conditions, and most industries have already taken action to reduce noise in the workplace for this very reason. If you work in a factory environment, there will be information available to you, and this will detail the acceptable noise levels, along with any recommendations for protective earplugs. People who work near loud engines need to wear ear protectors, as the noise levels are extreme, and this can also have an effect on your cardiovascular system.
4. Poor Quality of Life – People who have to endure loud noise regularly, if you live near an airport, or have a train line running by your home, then you will understand how this can affect your quality of life. Living under a flightpath results in people automatically stopping in mid conversation, waiting for the plane to clear, and although we might outwardly deal with it well, it does have an impact on you to some degree, and as one might expect, noise pollution affects different people in different ways.Noise pollution has a negative effect on a person’s quality of life, and therefore large construction projects are required to submit documentation that details how they plan to reduce this to acceptable levels. Of course, it would be impossible to build a shopping mall in total silence, but the local authority would have certain limits measured in decibels, and any project would be subject to those figures. Urban noise pollution is a real issue for many people, and here are just a few ways that noise can affect you.
Some might say that working in a noisy environment is part and parcel for the job, but in modern times, there are strict levels that are designed to reduce the risk of an injury due to noise pollution.