Stock photo © Christine Bird | Source: Dreamstime.com
Do Your Research Beforehand
Before sending a car overseas it is crucial to do your research beforehand. Whether it is the cost you are looking into or the affordability, research into delivery firms can benefit you when sending a car overseas. You not only need to look into their registration numbers, but you will also want to ensure the authenticity of the company. By taking the extra time to find this information, you can save yourself a vast amount of money in the future.
Check Insurances Before Shipping
In addition to the research beforehand it is important to check available insurances. Though carriers are required to have insurances as standard, it is up to you to ask for proof of insurance. By checking this beforehand, you can make sure that the available insurances can cover the costs of your car. If not, it is important to ensure that you purchase additional insurance on top of what is offered to you as this can prevent any losses due to damage or loss of product during shipping.
Preparation Requirements Before Sending A Car Overseas
Another element that you should look into is the preparations for shipping. Whether this is the amount of air in the tires or anything left in the vehicle or the paperwork that needs to be filled out, it is important to do this in advance. This will help to speed up the process and ensure that your car can make it through customs. Whether you are sending a parcel to Australia or you are looking to send a parcel in the UK, you will need to prepare this beforehand to ensure that your item is sent without any issues.
Requirements Of Fuel in The Vehicles
In addition to preparation, it is also important to look at what your delivery service requires from you. Most commonly several delivery services require you to leave about ¼ of a tank of fuel in the vehicle during shipping. This not only provides them with enough to move it should they need to, but it reduces the amount of flammable material onboard. This is key to safety as this will prevent a large majority of damage should the boat catch fire. This is a precaution that shipping companies will take as it is a legal requirement to not carry a vast amount of fuel on boats.
Check Drop Off And Pick-Up Points
The final element to consider is the pickup and drop off points. Whether you are collecting a car or sending one to a new owner, this is important to note. Some courier companies will provide you with a location to drop off your car for shipment. This will, therefore, require you to drive it by truck to the nearest port. Some, however, will offer to pick it up for you. Therefore, it is important to be aware of this level of service as it has the potential to increase the price over time.
Whether you are new to shipping items internationally or you are someone who does this regularly, we are sure that using these steps will help you to make the best possible decision when it comes to delivery. Which of these will you be starting with?