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Do you want to know the secret? It’s simple!
“Out of sight, out of mind!” Think about it. Get rid of everything you don’t want to use anymore and do it NOW. Here’s a list of things you should probably get rid of this New Year’s Eve and for good!
Clothes That You Don’t Wear
Declutter! Why do you have that Halloween costume from 10 years ago? It’s not even your size anymore! Get rid of it – donate it, give it to someone who would have some use for it. It’s not just about one funny costume, but about your entire closet. You’re cribbing about your cramped closet, and you still have nothing to wear, ever! Seems familiar? That’s because it seems you have too many clothes (which you do) but you don’t wear 50% of these. If you don’t have space in your closet, you might feel guilty about owning all those clothes you don’t use and will never use!
Expired Makeup
This might come as a shock to most women, but your make-up does come with an expiry date. But do we care? “NAH!” Well, we should. Expired makeup is doing the reverse of what it should be doing – it’s making your skin worse! Makeup is unnatural as it is and harms our skin more than we think it does. Imagine what expired makeup could do to your skin! Get rid of all your expired makeup – just throw it away! You can use your old makeup boxes for other purposes – try some DIYs!
Unhealthy Food Habits + Expired food
This one is a BIG no! You should make it a point to check the expiry date of all your food items every month. Alternatively, you can label all your products with a label maker according to their expiry dates as soon as you come back from grocery shopping. Writing the expiry date or the “best before” date with a permanent marker is also a very efficient way of dealing with products having quick expiry dates. Contrary to popular belief, expired products are NOT okay to consume, and CAN lead to a person falling sick with food poisoning. Especially when you have children at home, who tend to consume whatever they find on the rack – you need to keep that rack up to date with fresh produce!
Expired Medication
Does this one even need an explanation? We generally don’t need the entire pack of a medicine that is generic, like something for a headache. But these medicines have an expiry date, too! Stop pretending like it doesn’t matter and throw it away. Make sure you’ve disposed of this trash carefully since it’s part of medical waste and could be harmful if not disposed of properly. Get that box of medicines out of your kitchen drawer, and sort them out. Our kids might not feel well in our absence and the presence of expired medicines will only make your situation worse. With sorted medicines, you will know that even if your kids are taking any of these tablets while you’re out, they aren’t taking something that’s expired!
That Old Car
We all love our kids, don’t we? And we wouldn’t want anything bad to happen to them, obviously. But when you keep driving an old car, that goes to the garage more than it goes anywhere else in the world, you probably need to get rid of this car. Old cars are not just depreciating assets, they can prove to be dangerous to the driver as well as the passengers. The older a car is, the more likely its driver will die in a crash, says a new research paper from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. There are a plenty of ways you can sell your old car. One of the more popular and more monetarily beneficial options is to sell your car to a scrap car dealer in your city. If you’re in Brisbane, Flash Cash for Cars is a viable option for most people who try to sell their scrap cars as they pay instant cash for old scrap cars. You can alternatively try to sell it privately, but it might not be a good idea since your vehicle probably doesn’t function efficiently.
All That Negativity!
This one is a little different, but as the new year approaches us, we should move our approach from the negative to the positive.
As Henry Ford once said, “Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t, you’re right.”
Wishing you a decluttered 2019!