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Install solar thermal panels
There will be an initial outlay to have the system installed, but every day that goes by after that will see a constant reduction in energy used, as the electricity that one normally uses to heat the water will be provided by the solar hot water panels, which are fitted onto the roof of the property. The panels are filled with tiny channels and water is passed through this network and direct sunlight heats it up, and it is then pumped into the water storage tank.
Buy energy efficient devices
Most electrical appliances today are extremely efficient and require a minimal amount of electricity to perform their task. These devices will be suitably labelled with an energy star or other symbol to tell the user they are energy efficient. Fridges, freezers, washing machines, and microwave ovens fall into this category, and the savings can be significant.
Service the water heating system regularly
Water heating systems use more power if they are not maintained, so an annual service is advised. Hot water repairs can be costly, and with regular inspection, any small component that needs replacing can be quickly identified and replaced, saving money in the long term. If one lives in Western Australia, and is in need of plumbers, Peter Stannard Plumbing and Gas are an established company that can carry out servicing and repairs, and if one decides to replace the system, they have a range of energy efficient water heating systems that will use much less power.
Install window film
Modern window film has high insulation properties, and that works both ways, keeping the house cool in the summer, which requires less air conditioning, while it helps retain heat in the winter, and therefore the heating system doesn’t have to work so hard. This can save money all year round, and also make the home more comfortable.
Unplug devices when not in use
All electrical devices use a small amount of power if they are on standby, so by unplugging them when they are not being used, one can save significant amounts of electricity. Not only that, it is a potential fire risk to leave appliances plugged in when not in use. It helps to look at every device and ask the question, do I really need this to be working now? One might be surprised at just how many appliances are not really necessary, and if a person gets into the habit of switching off unnecessary devices, it soon becomes second nature.
One might think that a little saving isn’t worth the effort, but it all adds up, so be vigilant, and the savings will become evident next time the electric bill arrives.