It could have been grey or black. It could have been white with spots. It could have been blue, or even red. It could have – it SHOULD have – been brown.
But no, of all the doggy colours in the world, the dog that caught Timmy’s eye in the animal shelter was green. Yes GREEN!
Not apple green or pea green. Not lettuce green. More a sludgy, grimy, river sort of green. But definitely green.
Timmy ignored the cute fluffy white dog with the wagging tail that his mother had set her heart on. He walked straight past the black bouncy one and the gentle, curly-coated one who licked his feet. The moment he set eyes on the green pup, it had to be his.
His mother groaned. His sister groaned. His father pleaded with Timmy to think about the other dogs that also needed a good home. “This one is nice and friendly,” he said, picking up a shiny black, wriggly thing. “What about this one?”
His sister was cradling a fluffy white poodle with silky soft fur. “Oh please choose this one,” she implored.
But Timmy had decided. After all, it’s not every day you get a chance to take home your very own green dog. “No, it’s got to be this one,” said Timmy pointing to the straggly animal with the green coat, lying quietly in the corner.
His family knew better than to try to change his mind. He had been promised a dog for his birthday and the choice was his. It was as simple as that.
“OK,” his Dad sighed. “I guess it’s got to be this one!” Timmy grinned and picked up the little green bundle.
Timmy hugged his green dog all the way home in the car. He couldn’t wait to show his new pet to his friends. They would be green with envy.
“What are you going to call him?” asked his sister. “How about Oscar?”
“Or, Freddie?” suggested his mum.
“Or Barney,” chimed in his Dad.
“Definitely not,” declared Timmy. “His name will be Greenie.”
His whole family groaned.
©Lucy Farmer 2012, image credit
Bedtime Stories downloadable tales for children are an AWO initiative, run in support of the National Year of Reading 2012. We encourage you to print and read these stories with your kids, and revel in the joy a wonderful story can bring. All stories are original and have been penned by established and emerging Australian authors. Every month, we will publish four stories running to a central theme, each on a Monday morning. See here for more.
Great name for a dog!