Is your canine companion surprisingly disoriented and lethargic? Does it get easily exhausted? Although sometimes these symptoms serve as a reminder of your dog becoming senile, there are times when they’re indicators of graver health problems.
Actually, disorientation and absent-mindedness are often a sign of canine cognitive disorder, otherwise known as dog dementia. Conversely, sudden loss of consciousness and frequent tremors are undoubtedly an indicator of epilepsy. Both health conditions are unfortunately not curable, particularly when progressing to a more advanced stage.
Nevertheless, you may alleviate dementia and seizure symptoms by administering CBD oil to your pet. This healthy product is believed to have much more beneficial effects than any other medication of behavioral therapy.
Learn more about its role in the treatment of these conditions.
Alleviates dementia symptoms
Dogs are as prone to having dementia as humans are, particularly when becoming elder. Therefore, many pet owners fail to notice the development of this condition, as its early symptoms are the same as aging. However, canine cognitive dysfunction (CCD) is much more severe, as there’s a breach between neurons communication, amazingly similar to Alzheimer’s disease in humans.
The initial symptoms of your canine companion having dementia are undoubtedly disorientation and forgetfulness. Your dog is likely to be disoriented in your house or garden, where it spends most of its time. It will suddenly stop in the middle of the room, wondering where the door leads.
Apart from places, your pet might commence forgetting people as well as other animals. For instance, it won’t remember any of the people dwelling in the house or the frequent visitors. However, the saddest aspect of the disease is the high probability of forgetting you, as a pet owner. Also, it will soon enough stop responding to its own name. Visit the following link:, for more detailed description of these dementia symptoms.
In terms of behavior, canines tend to become more aggressive, avoid any type of relation with both people and other pets. As a result of the alteration of their sleeping scheme, they’d spend most of the day being lethargic, but most of the night wide awake and barking. They’d also do repetitive actions and start getting stuck everywhere around the house, as a result of not being aware of their own size.
Since this condition is incurable, the most common treatment is altering canines’ diet so as to contain more antioxidants, rearranging house furniture to provide more free space as well as prescribing various types of medications and supplements.
However, CBD oil is known to be a miracle substance in the treatment of canine cognitive e dysfunction. It improves neuron communication, restores the balance of the CB1 and CB2 brain receptors and regenerates brain cells, which is essential for restoring memory.
In addition, CBD is capable of reducing the inflammation of the brain cells as well as alleviating the symptoms of anxiety and aggression. Thus, your dog will at least go back to its previous sleep cycle, being more active during the day and not barking at night. You’re advised to administer the oil into its food and track the improvement in its behavior. In fact, view this community site in order to choose the best CBD product for your pet.
Treating seizures
Seizures are actually a result of severe conditions, such as epilepsy, being caused by an improper neural function and communication. Due to the sudden bursts of electrical transmission between the neurons, the body reacts with a seizure.
Moreover, these seizures most commonly manifest with excessive blinking or rapid eye movement, but very soon turn into graver symptoms, like uncontrollable tremors, which result in unconsciousness. Also, your canine companion is likely to experience unexpected collapses and convulsions. In case you notice foam in the mouth area or incredibly heavy breathing, then your dog is definitely demonstrating epilepsy symptoms.
Unfortunately, epilepsy and seizures cannot be cured, which is why pet owners usually administer various medications to reduce the severity of the condition. However, most medicine therapies tend to have no particular effect. Therefore, an increasing number of pet owners have started administering CBD oil to their canines, being amazed by its effect.
Actually, CBD oil is known for it incredible effect in the alleviation of epileptic seizures. It can’t eliminate them completely, but it can lower their frequency, so that dogs don’t experience extremely frequent episodes. Apart from becoming less frequent, seizures tend to be less severe, reducing the tremors and preventing sudden loss of consciousness.
When it comes to dosage, start by administering a small amount of CBD, twice a day to check your pet’s response. It’s vital to determine the optimal dose and to practice regular administration, as it’s the only way for your dog to live a slightly better life. Since CBD oil contains no THC, your canine isn’t at risk of experiencing psychotropic effects or any severe side effects.
Furthermore, the most efficient form of cannabidiol is definitely tincture, as it enters its bloodstream incredibly fast. However, if your furry companion isn’t fond of tincture, even when mixed with food, then you can try some of the other CBD products, such as dog treats or topical creams.
Wrap up
Instead of fearing the moment of your dog forgetting you as its owner or never regaining consciousness after a seizure, purchase CBD oil and prevent worse symptoms from happening!