A look at CBD oil for dogs in 2020 and what K9 Kare LLC is doing about it.
Though we often think of depression and anxiety as being conditions that affect humans exclusively, this is far from the case. Our canine friends sometimes suffer from anxiety, too, and could benefit from a natural treatment plan. If you are planning on using CBD oil for dogs, you should, of course, check with your veterinarian before using it.
One of the best things about this particular type of oil is that it is non-toxic, which puts it in a different chemical category. It is not associated with the harsh chemical treatments that often have side effects. There is no need, in fact, to change the eating habits of your dog. A few droplets under the tongue is all that is needed.
Although the oil is extracted from the cannabis plant, it most certainly does not make you high. Many people are unaware of this when the treatment first comes up in conversation, but there is nothing to worry about here. This means, of course, that you can reap the benefits without experiencing the excessive-high that would come with, for example, smoking marijuana.
CBD works excellently as a pain reliever. If your dog happens to suffer from arthritis or another condition that makes their joints stiff in the morning, this product can relieve the discomfort and perhaps give them a bit more energy. People who suffer from chronic injuries have long used this product to help with mild to moderate pain.
CBD is perhaps at its best when it is helping with anxiety. Many dogs, for example, have separation anxiety when they are left on their own for a significant period of time. With a prescription for this product, they can perhaps be taught to mellow out a bit and take a nap from time to time.
The product is also high in fatty acids, which are also suitable for the joints. Instead of giving your dog fish oil capsules each day, you can simply switch to the oil, which offers several other benefits. The goal is to help your canine buddy stay happy and healthy for a long time to come.
With the help of some special oil, both you and your dog can benefit. Whether your furry pal is suffering from anxiety, depression, or arthritis, the oil can get him/her feel better. Consult with a licensed and certified veterinarian to learn how to proceed. Your pet will thank you for being proactive.