One of the most talked about parts of a woman’s anatomy for a varying number of quite different reasons are your breasts.
As you will see from this breast augmentation infographic for example, there are lots of topics for debate and discussion. Add in the difficulty in distinguishing between fact or fiction on what you have been told or read somewhere, and you can soon experience cleavage confusion.
Realistic expectations
You would probably be in the minority if you didn’t want to enjoy a nice perky pair of breasts that stayed put throughout most of your life, rather than doing their best to head south.
The reality is different of course, and sagging breasts are an inevitable fact of life that comes with the territory of getting older.
The sagging problem is mainly down to Cooper’s ligaments, which is the term given to the connective tissue in your breasts. This breast tissue helps you to keep your shape, but over time this will start to stretch out, causing you to notice that that youthful perkiness is not quite there anymore.
That process is perfectly natural and to be expected, but there are actually a number of myths surrounding this phenomenon that need to be cleared up, if you are to have realistic and accurate expectations as to what is happening to your breasts as you age.
Avoid breastfeeding
Breastfeeding is the most natural way to nurture your baby and gives you a real bonding experience, but some women believe that the act of breastfeeding will increase the chances of sagging.
Findings gathered by the Aesthetic Surgery Journal would appear to firmly debunk this theory as a myth. It was found that it is not breastfeeding that could lead to sagging, but pregnancy itself.
As part of being pregnant, your breasts may increase in size and stay enlarged while you are breastfeeding. Once you have finished feeding your baby this way, it is the weight loss and resultant deflation of your breasts that can lead to sagging skin.
It seems that breastfeeding alone will not cause the sagging, so you should not avoid it simply on the grounds that you think it will cause your breasts to drop afterwards.
Wearing a bra
You might understandably think that wearing a bra will help to prevent your breasts from sagging, but there is actually no definitive research data available that is able to prove that wearing something like a push-up bra will help you to avoid them sagging over time.
It should be pointed out that one area where many experts agree, is the fact that wearing a sports bar during exercise is something you should definitely do, as exercise like running can stretch your breast tissue, unless you hold everything nicely in place with a supportive bra.
In terms of wearing an everyday bra, that is your choice entirely of course, but it seems that you can’t necessarily rely on it helping you to prevent sagging, unless it is a sports bra.
When you are next looking at your body in the mirror, perhaps enjoy your cleavage for what it is, or at least understand that you might perhaps needs some cosmetic help if you are going to defy gravity and the laws of nature.
Maya Gibbs has a medical background and is currently working to support a breast imaging clinic running out of her local hospital. She wants to better inform women and dispel myths which have been circulating for years, hence her articles!