Are you about to purchase your fist sex toy? Then, you are probably slightly embarrassed considering it’s your first experience as well as incredibly confused, since you don’t have a clue on how to commence your search.
In order to begin your quest for the right model, you should start from yourself. Only by determining your genuine sexual desires and needs, you’re likely to make the right choice. You can either visit an actual adult store or order it online.
Anyhow, the following tips will definitely facilitate your choice from the wide range of sex toys for women available on the market.
Know your desires
Since you’re very likely to be overwhelmed by the variety of sex toys you can choose from, it’s crucial to be clear about your inner desires. Think attentively about what kind of a stimulation you’d like, as there’re models designed for stimulating different parts of the body. Bear in mind that you have to be absolutely honest about your sexual needs in order to find the perfect match for you.
Furthermore, another aspect to consider before ordering a model is the purpose of using it. Some women are purchasing these devices for enjoying some solo action while exploring their erogenous zones. On the other hand, other women wish to introduce these adult toys into the bedroom, so as to spice up the monotonous sex life with their partner.
After determining your basic needs, you may as well commence your search for the right model. If visiting a sex shop makes you feel uncomfortable, then you can order the product online, from one of the numerous e-stores.
Making the purchase from an actual adult shop means that you can get useful advice from the shop assistants who are experts are explaining all the important device features, without causing a feeling of embarrassment. Conversely, when making an online purchase, you need to go through numerous buying guides in order to choose a model that matches your preferences.
Consider your home limitations
Another important consideration when purchasing a sex toy for the first time is thinking about your home limitations. Those of you who are living alone have nothing to worry about, as you don’t have to be concerned about someone overhearing the vibrations of the device or seeing it on your bed or nightstand.
However, those of you who share your flat with your family or roommates, need to consider the factor of quietness when purchasing a model. Most variants tend to produce loud vibrations, which can be easily overheard if you’re only sharing a wall with your family members or roommates. Therefore, make sure you pick one with almost silent vibrations in order to enjoy your pleasure without obstructions.
In addition, when dwelling together with someone, it’s also important to think of the best hiding space for your sex toy, as you wouldn’t want someone to find it lying around. The best alternative would be to purchase a small, compact model that you can easily hide or take it with you when you go travelling. Click here to check out some of the cleverest places for hiding your sex toys, particularly when having kids.
Consider the material
An essential consideration when choosing a variant is undoubtedly its material, as not all materials are considered to be safe for your health. Some materials can cause unpleasant body reactions, as a result of the sensitivity of your organism.
Therefore, when selecting a model make sure it’s made of some of the widely used materials for these products, such as silicone, stainless steel, some types of hard plastic, aluminum etc. It’s very important for the material to be hard in order to get the best of the vibrations, as the softer it is, the weaker the vibrations.
Apart from the material, the texture is equally important. There’re various types of textures in the form of spikes or bumps, which serve to enhance your pleasure. Nevertheless, if you aren’t keen on textures, there’re perfectly smooth variants you can’t go wrong with.
Moreover, the variants made of high-quality materials tend to be costlier than the ones made of cheap substances. However, it’s vital to purchase one made of solid material in order to protect your health. Don’t be tempted to buy any of the low-cost variants, as you will regret it in no time.
Choose a power source
The source of power is another factor that is going to influence your shopping decision. This factor directly influences the convenience aspect, as you’re supposed to decide between variants that operate solely on electricity, the ones that can be recharged after a few uses or the ones that run on batteries.
The first ones are definitely the most powerful, but at the same time the least convenient, as you’re supposed to be near a socket in order to use them, worrying whether the cord will have the necessary length.
On the other hand, the ones operating on batteries are significantly less powerful, although the power will depend on the battery type, which should be checked before buying a pair. Visit the following link:, to learn more about the variety of electric battery types in order to choose a more powerful one.
Anyhow, most of the women are reluctant to use battery-operated models, as they need to make sure they always have a spare pair, since batteries tend to wear off very fast. Also, as they wear off, the vibrations they produce gradually weaken, thus failing to provide a maximum pleasure.
The rechargeable ones are doubtlessly the most preferred variant, as you don’t need to worry about the cord or make sure that you always have spare batteries in the drawer. You’ll only be required to charge it after a couple of uses, which isn’t exactly difficult to do.
Wrap up
When choosing your first adult toy, make sure you know your desires as well as home limitations.
Select the best features and enjoy!