Only a third of Australians know when is the best time in a woman’s cycle to have sex in order to conceive, and only 20 per cent know the age at which a woman’s fertility starts to decline. During Fertility Week, 3-9 September 2012, would-be parents are being encouraged to learn and share information on how to maximise their chances of conceiving and having healthy babies.
Visit during Fertility Week to:
- Watch and share a series of fun animations on the top five ‘Fertility Factors’ that affect your chances of conceiving and having a healthy pregnancy and baby – weight, age, smoking, alcohol use and the timing of sex
- Watch a video on preconception health, presented by fertility expert Professor Rob Norman (director of the University of Adelaide’s Robinson Institute)
- Download and read the ‘Want to have a baby?’ fact sheet
- Test your knowledge with the Fertility Quiz
- Use the ovulation calculator to help time sex for the best chance of conception.
You can also make an appointment with your GP to talk about getting ‘baby fit’.
Fertility Week 2012 is part of the Your Fertility campaign, which aims to inform Australians who want children, or more children, about the key factors that affect their ability to conceive and have healthy children. It is run by the Fertility Coalition – Jean Hailes for Women’s Health, the Victorian Assisted Reproductive Treatment Authority (VARTA), Andrology Australia and the Robinson Institute.
Your Fertility is supported by funding from the Australian Government’s Department of Health and Ageing.
Look for Your Fertility on Facebook and Twitter.
Published with the permission of Jean Hailes for Women’s Health 1800 JEAN HAILES (532 642)