The mistake parents are making is giving instructions during more difficult or complex situations, such as at the time they are switching lanes.
“You are making the driver do things at the same time: take in new information and do a move that requires concentration,” says Joel Neilsen. “It is like if a Navman were to shout instructions in the middle of a busy intersection. This can increase the stress, risk of a wrong action and possibly a crash. The novice learner can’t be expected to process information and perform the skills at the same time.”
What parents should be doing is giving kids clear and concise information well in advance, then let the learner undertake the manoeuvre, once clear and no hazards a debrief can be given.
“Just like a Navman gives you directions in advance, parents should always prepare the learner ahead of time to avoid potential risks on the road,” said Joel.
Joel Neilsen has teamed up with Navman Technology to present a FREE webinar on How to Teach Your Kids to Drive, taking place on Wednesday 22 June 2015 from 7.30pm to 8.15pm (AEST time).
The free webinar covers all aspects of teaching your kids to drive – from the skills you’ll need to make sure the experience is safe, to how to ensure young drivers stay safe once they have a licence.
If you have teenage kids, you may already be dreading the day they ask you to give them driving lessons. Not only can it be a recipe for disaster, it may have been decades since you passed your own driving test, meaning you, may need to brush up on the road rules to ensure you don’t pass on any bad driving habits to your child. So if the thought of being your teen’s driving instructor makes you more than a little anxious, don’t miss this FREE Navman webinar on How to teach your kids to drive.
The webinar is open to anyone in Australia – all you need to participate is a computer with speakers or headphones so you can hear. You must also register beforehand for the free webinar by visiting: