They are persistent, they make their authority known and they can attack you when you least expect it – well maybe not the last one. It is of course, the Stubborn Stain. Known to cause extreme stress and trauma to the human race, stains are a relentless enemy, and often win unless treated properly. Have you experienced your fair share of stains? Perhaps on your favourite t-shirt, bed linen or the house carpet? One thing is for certain. The battle lines are drawn and if you want to find out how to get rid of these nasty marks, keep reading below.
Stains on Different Fabrics
Find a dry stain on your favourite top? Before applying any product, it is imperative to know about the fabric of your garment. Whether its cotton, wool or silk, these fabrics will react differently to the type of removing agent or procedure you implement. Handy Hint: A material like linen are prone to stubborn stains as they usually come in bright colours. To remove this kind of stain, a simple home remedy of baking soda and lemon juice on the area is quite effective. After allowing the linen to soak in the solution, wash the entire fabric as you normally would.
Carpet Stains
Carpet stains can leave one of the most stubborn marks. Whether it’s wine, sauce or a combination of both, a carpet stain can be expensive – and stressful – especially on a clumsy day! What’s a popular way of cleaning a carpet stain as a result of spilling beverages like wine? The first step is to apply salt into the mark and leave for a few minutes. This will act as a natural cleaning agent. After, pour hot water through the area, but not too much that the stain spreads. Do you have other tricky carpet stains you’d like to get rid of? Click here to visit the Stainmaster’s Ideas and Advice column for more informative tips.
Treating Fresh and Dry Stains
After recognising a fresh stain, it is vital that you attend to the situation as soon as possible. For fresh stains, soak the damaged fabric in cold water. After, sponge with bleach and wash the fabric in hot water. But what about dry stains? Dry stains caused by tea or coffee involves spot-cleaning using vinegar. If you find a dry coffee or tea stain, soak this with hot water or use simple vinegar and baking soda recipes.
Candle Wax and Chewing Gum
It may seem uncommon, but finding old candle wax or chewing gum stains on numerous surfaces can prove to be quite the resilient fighters. For a candle wax, scrape off any leftover wax and then sponge with a dry cleaning fluid. However, if you’re stuck in a sticky situation, rub ice on the chewing gum to make it easier to remove. After, you need to eliminate any excess with a blunt knife then finally sponge the surface with warm water.
Now that you’re well-equipped when it comes to fighting these stains, are you ready to implement these procedures? Perhaps you have a few stain removing tips up your sleeve? Feel free to comment below.
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