Connect, a new App launched by health-tech company, Healthshare this week, provides a new way for people to reach out and get the support they need, when they need it.
According to it’s creators, the Connect app supports people’s mental wellbeing by connecting them with a qualified Australian therapist, over a secure messaging platform. While not a replacement for face-to-face counselling, Connect overcomes barriers to accessing support for those who need it.
Healthshare CEO, Rami Weiss, said the Connect app is “like WhatsApp for health.”
“Connect uses technology to provide access to people who may not yet be ready for face-to-face therapy, may want to remain anonymous, may not be able to travel, or just simply need to reach out for help,” said Mr Weiss.
Connect is NOT a free service and you will have to sign-up for a ‘health plan’ to continue using the app after the FREE 1 Week Trial.
Also be aware that this service does not provide the services of a clinical psychologist and most of the “qualified Australian therapists” mentioned in the media release don’t have a degree in psychology. It’s also important to note that the app has not been endorsed by the Australian Psychological Society (APS).
More importantly, the Connect app is not appropriate for people who are suffering from a mental illness or for anyone who is experiencing suicidal thoughts. If this applies to you, please contact Lifeline on 13 11 14 or dial 000 for Emergency for assistance.
What this app does have going for it, is convenience. Being able to talk to someone anonymously by text messaging whenever you need someone to talk to is like having a friend on call and if you look at this way, the Connect app does have some value as a service.
The company behind the app, Healthshare, has partnerships with several health organistions including in Australia including: beyondblue, Australian Counselling Association, Butterfly, Lifeline and Mens Line.
Deloitte’s Mobile Consumer Survey 2015 released this week shows that technology is creating rapid shifts in social norms. For the first time ever, instant messaging has surpassed phone calls for 18-24 year olds. In over 45’s, instant messaging use jumped nearly 70% this year, and is expected to grow further¹.
Dr Charlotte Middleton, Healthshare Medical Director said, “One in six Australians experience depression or anxiety or both at any given time².”
“We know that approximately 65% of people with mental illness do not access any treatment³.
“People access Connect for a range of issues, including depression, anxiety, work place issues, addiction, eating disorders, relationship issues, stress management and sexual difficulties.
“Technology is rapidly changing how we communicate. Texting is fast becoming a primary method of communication. We are now busier than ever before. Therapy needs to engage people in a relatable way. If technology is how people engage, then we need to integrate it into our approach,” said Dr Middleton.
Research has shown text therapy to be an efficient and effective means of therapy. A recent US study showed that 81% of text therapy users found it to be the same or better than other forms of therapy; 98% found it to be more convenient; and 69% found it to be more affordable⁴.
“We no longer have to be in the right place at the right time to access psychological support. We can now reach out from the comfort of our own couch and in the moment that we might need it most,” said Dr Middleton.
For more information and to download the App for iOS 6+ or Android devices visit the website:
1. Mobile Consumer Survey 2015, The Australian Cut, Deloitte, 2015
2. Beyond Blue, 2015
3. Black Dog Institute, UNSW, 2015
4. Preliminary Study of Text-based Psychotherapy, Columbia University, 2015