Here are some of the ways the entertainment industry has been impacted by technology:
Changing the World of Movies
The film industry happens to be incredibly popular around the world. Hollywood alone made annual revenues of $10 billion each year from 2009 to 2015. While the essence of the movie industry remains a good script and great acting, technology has improved the way content is made and delivered. Some would even go as far as saying that technology has improved the marketability of movies.
In terms of making the content, technology has enabled filmmakers to bring their ideas to life much more than in the past. Cameras have become less cumbersome to handle and this has enabled filmmakers to capture new shots that would have been otherwise possible with bulky cameras. The quality of the content has also seen a sizable jump, with digital cameras helping to replace the older film roll cameras. These digital cameras not only provide the ability to shoot content in 1080p or 4K resolution, but they also bring new technologies like IMAX to the plate.
Apart from sight, sound has also seen a remarkable improvement. Filmmakers are now able to provide realistic sound effects to a situation thanks to the employment of several new speaker technologies, which make recorded sound as good as a live content.
Impact on Casinos and Gambling Sector
Casinos have been a major form of entertainment for several decades. These casinos have been growing bigger and bigger, as they took advantage of their worldwide popularity. The super casinos are not without their problem. Apart from the sizable investment in time and money to run the business, the super casinos are also not a quick and easy way of providing entertainment. Players have to spend significant chunks of the time and money in order to visit a casino and play the games. Thankfully, technology has once again come to the rescue and has transformed the industry with the trend of online casinos.
Australia has seen the growth of several super casinos of late, but there has been an even bigger proliferation on the Internet. Several online Australian casino options are being seen as a better option rather than visiting a physical casino, as they allow players access to games 24 x 7. Further, there are no associated costs like staying at a hotel or travelling to the casino. It also helps players focus on the daily life, as games do not take more than a few minutes to liven up the day.
Prevention of Piracy and Better Marketing in Music Sector
The music sector was faced with rampant piracy issues a few years ago. Most of the content was marketed through CDs, which were incredibly popular during the turn-of-the-century. It was a medium created because of growing technology. However, it almost put the industry on collapse. One of the major factors behind the rampant piracy was the higher price of audio CDs, while users were also unable to make choices. Once pirated music copies became available on the Internet, there was a rapid decline in CD sales.
Technology has come to the rescue of the music sector by promoting the digital medium. Rather than promote music on CDs, the way forward seemed to be the availability of content on the Internet. Rather than as a pirated version, the availability of official options enticed customers into buying single tracks or the entire album on the Internet. The lack of copyright issues meant that it soon became the best way forward. While technology can be criticised for causing piracy issues in the first place, it did not take a few years for the problem to die down.
Improvement of Media Availability
The improvement in capturing media is well and good, but the idea of delivering media to the users was still stuck with an idea that was several decades old. The situation is once again best explained with regard to the movie industry where the availability of high definition movies was hindered by the age-old tradition of having to visit a theatre in order to catch the movies. Technology has enabled Internet streaming, which has in turn led to the rise of options like Netflix. These are seen as the online theatres, and they provide a huge collection of movies to watch. The consumer gets the advantage of a huge reduction in prices, convenience of watching a movie at home, and much more.
Technology has truly transformed the way the entertainment industry has gone about its business. It will truly impact this environment in ways the human mind cannot yet conceive, and this will have enormous impacts on the way we work as well, since new jobs can be created when new technology emerges. At this point, some people say that the smartphone will die, others say virtual reality will become a true phenomenon, while scientists are afraid of AI. We just have to wait and see for ourselves what will happen.