For the first time in a long time, workers are in a slight position of power. If you haven’t heard of the Great Resignation or at least noticed the increase in help wanted ads, you might be living under a rock. Employees left their jobs in huge numbers due to poor professional environments, a lack of a work-life balance, and low wages. Business owners are beginning to listen and looking for ways to create a positive work environment. Here are some tips to get started.
It should be obvious that leadership sets the tone in a company. If your business is governed by inappropriate or unethical individuals, employees will follow that example. Whether they realize it or not, people are always watching and mimicking leadership. How can your manager expect you to be on time and adhere to company policy if he/she doesn’t do the same? Check out almost anything by Simon Sinek to get great ideas on business leadership. It’s also important that those in charge buy-in. If you want your employees to communicate via email instead of work chats, start the habit. Show your employees what you expect and that you have every intention of also meeting those expectations. Finally, sometimes employers need to offer explanations. Explain the why behind large or difficult decisions that employees might have a hard time agreeing with. It will show them that you want to have a working relationship with your employees and they will be better able to handle change if they understand it.
Climate and Culture
It should go without saying climate and culture are vital to a happy workplace. Employers should be aware of office morale and do what they can to create a positive work environment. Consider random rewards for staff. Hire an ice cream truck or plan for a BBQ and yard games one afternoon. Show your employees you appreciate them and they’ll continue to work hard for you. Also, don’t be afraid to ask for feedback. At the very worst, you get an idea of your workplace climate, while at best, you might significantly improve your company. Employees know day-to-day operations better than anyone. They know where there are inefficiencies and room for improvement. Ask them to share that information. It will better the company and create a safer environment for your employees.
One thing many companies do not take advantage of is corporate training. They have trainers and programs dedicated to creating better work environments. Consider company-wide training with curriculum from This company offers training for all types of needs and environments. Be proactive with scheduling training as well. Be sure employees are aware of expectations and appropriate workplace behavior before an incident occurs.
Right now, it’s more essential than ever to have a desirable workplace. Those seeking out employment research companies and are quick to pass on those with poor ratings. Jump ahead of the curve by providing a great workplace with high employee retention.