There is nothing more soul destroying than getting your pay cheque and having to fork out huge amounts of money for various different bills before even thinking about treating yourself. However, this doesn’t have to always be the case, and you will be pleased to hear that there are lots of hacks out there that will reduce living costs and make your bank a happier place. These tips cover an array of different situations and, by combining them, you will be well on your way to having bearable living costs.
Firstly, the most important thing to consider is whether your property costs are worth the amount that you are spending. A lot of people find themselves paying extortionate amounts of money for rent in a property that is barely holding together. If you are in a property rut, why not consider the idea of becoming a property guardian? It has been proved that becoming a property guardian can decrease rent costs and provide you with an unforgettable experience in many different locations.
Secondly, and perhaps a more obvious point: sell your unused items. Strip your home entirely and throw out anything that you do not use. It can be easy to become attached to your belongings, but if you need to save money, then you need to approach de-cluttering with an open mind-set. If you haven’t used it in the past 2 months, then it is unlikely that you will use it anytime soon. You will be surprised to see just how much of a profit you can make from your unused items. This money can then be used to treat yourself or pay for the bills that cannot be avoided.
If you find yourself driving around a lot, then you have probably noticed the terrifying costs involved with gas, parking, and maintenance. Reduce your carbon footprint and your expenses and opt for public transport when possible. Each time you leave the car behind, you will be saving money. This might not have been something you have thought about too much as using your own mode of transport becomes such a common practise. Why not test it out? Use only public transport for a month and watch as you have more money in the bank. Not only this, but you will also feel far better about yourself for being more economically friendly.
Other money saving tactics include:
• Cancelling memberships and subscriptions that you no longer use
• Lowering the temperature of your hot water heater (water heaters take around 40% of your energy costs!)
• Prepare your own food more often (takeaways and eating out are very quick ways to lose money)
• Unplug electrical devices when not in use
So, the next time you venture out for a meal or leave your charger plugged in, think about the money that you are unnecessarily wasting. There are so many ways to reduce living costs and by applying just a few you will spot a remarkable difference. Give it a go!