But this is not entirely reflective of the real world. Some of the best poker players in the world are female, you’ll see an equal share of men and women at your average casino and thanks to the advent of online casino rankings, helping you to find the fairest online casino for casual play, a signifiant percentage of online gamblers are also women.
But there are some differences in the way men and women gamble. In some cases, TV’s stereotypes are on the money, in others they are way off.
1. Women Prefer Online Gambling
The vast majority of women prefer to gamble online, while an equal share of men choose to split their gambling between online and offline play.
There could be several reasons for this, but it likely all boils down to the perception that casinos and betting shops are “macho” places full of drunken old men (which, to be fair, most of them are) which keeps women away.
It may also have something to do with the fact that a lot of modern gamblers place their bets when they are short on time or otherwise can’t make it to a betting shop or casino, as is the case with single mothers and homemakers.
2. They Play Different Games
It is true that women play more bingo than men and that men are more likely to bet on sports. There are also a greater number of male poker players. For whatever reason, women seem to gravitate more towards slot machines and games that involve a dealer or house, as opposed to other players.
It is why many slot machine manufacturers are now marketing their games at women and why bingo is often solely marketed at women.
3. They Lose Less
On a per person basis, no one loses as much money as Australians. Gambling is ingrained in our culture and many of us are introduced to it at a young age. However, it seems that male Aussies lose more than females and this is a trend that can be seen worldwide.
That could mean a number of things, but we’re just going to assume it means we’re better at gambling!
4. We Take Fewer Risks
Okay, so maybe it was a stretch to say we’re better at gambling based on that one statistic, but we are certainly less likely to take big risks. A survey conducted by 888 on the same subject found that after wining a substantial amount of money, women were considerably more likely to cash it in than men, who displayed more risky tendencies.
5. We’re Betting on More Sports
There was a time when men outnumbered women in every form of sports. But these days it’s different story, and we’re not just making up the numbers anymore. A recent survey of sports crowds found that the split between men and women was around 56% to 44%.
Sports betting is still predominantly marketed at men and they are still the biggest market, but we’re closing in on them fast and that’s forcing advertisers to stand up and take notice.
Please Gamble Responsibly. If you think gambling is problem for you, call the Gambling Help Online in Australia 1800 858 858 or visit the website: www.gamblinghelponline.org.au