Photo by © Branislavp | Source: Dreamstime.com
When selecting a surgeon or deciding which of the procedures will be best for you, there are a number of things to keep in mind. You should feel comfortable asking all of the questions that you have about all aspects of the surgery. If your surgeon doesn’t give you the answers that you want, then you should consider moving on to one who will.
These mistakes are amongst the most common that women make when they undergo a breast surgery.
Making mistakes about the right size
Women who have long lived with breasts that are too large often make the very same mistake as those women who have lived with breasts that they consider to be too small. They make the mistake of selecting the wrong size for their body frame.
When you alter the shape and size of your breasts it’s important to consider the impact that size can have on your silhouette. The goal of any cosmetic breast procedure should be to create a contour that is natural looking and that helps to enhance your figure.
Breasts implants that are too large are going to look unnatural. Reducing your breast size too much can result in an appearance that simply doesn’t look right for the size of your frame.
Women who work with one of the best breast surgeons in Sydney, Dr. Benjamin Norris, will learn just how their new size will impact their natural contour.
Not realising just how important recovery is
While the breast surgery procedures of today are certainly done with much more finesse and knowledge than those of a few decades ago, it is still considered to be a major surgical procedure. Women will have bruising, drains and oftentimes a fair amount of discomfort to contend with.
Many surgeons will recommend that their patients take several days off from work in order to allow their bodies to heal. Typically, normal workout routines and favourite activities can be returned to within six to eight weeks after the procedure.
Some women, especially those with a busy lifestyle, are often tempted to push their recovery too soon. This can result in increased pain, sometimes bleeding and also can delay successful recovery.
Not considering the loss in sensation
After most breast surgeries, particularly breast reduction surgery, women will experience some level of numbness in the areola and nipple. This is often as a result of swelling and is the body’s way of protecting itself while it heals.
For most women the numbness will subside within a few months. Some, however, do have long term numbness around the areola and nipple, as well as numbness around the scar itself.
Be sure that your surgeon offers you all of the comforting advice and answers that will help you to make the right decision. You deserve only the best in results from your breast surgery.