If you were to describe what a home is to someone who comes from a parallel universe where there is no house, you would probably start with the basics. A home consists of a roof sat on top of four walls. We’ve all seen the typical home drawings of children, a small triangle sitting above a rectangle. There is something profoundly real about the simplistic representation of a home: It is a closed place. At certain times of the year, especially during the winter months, the safety of your home can almost feel like a prison cell. It’s, unfortunately, a common reaction to a depressive disorder referred to as SAD – seasonal affective disorder – which is typically triggered by the decrease of direct sunlight. During the darker months of the year, your home might appear crammed, lifeless and secluded. Additionally, living within four walls can also affect your mindset and create a virtual boundary between you and the rest of the community. You can’t abandon your home to live under the sky. But you can find ways to inject more freshness and openness into your decor.

Photo by Vidal Balielo Jr. from Pexels
Let it be light
Natural light is known to improve your mood, which is why the absence of it can encourage a depressed mindset. While you can’t change the seasons, you can make room for more natural sunlight into your decor. The addition of skylights in your hallway can brighten up the space. Maximising your window arrangements and ensure they are not obscured can make a great deal of difference to the way you feel in a room. Similarly, it’s a good idea to replace your thick curtains by blinds, as they are going to leave more light in. You are unlikely to wake up to a bright day during the working week in winter, but blinds will ensure that your brain can register the changes in luminosity as they occur before sunrise in the early morning hours.
Bring natural materials to your interior
Surrounding yourself in nature soothes your mind and releases stress levels. Bringing nature into your home decor can be a little tricky, but choosing natural materials, such as natural fibres and hardwood flooring can be a healthy compromise. If you already have an old hardwood floor, you might find yourself wondering: How am I going to get it to look good? Is there any floor sanding near me? If your floor has seen better days, working with a specialist contractor can help to solve most issues.
Everybody needs some green in their lives
Last but not least, the cold months tend to encourage people to stay indoors, which can accentuate your health and mood issues. Indeed, your indoor air is not as clean as it might look to the naked eye. Bringing houseplants into your home can help to remove toxins from the air and increase the level of oxygen. Besides, plants have a soothing ability because they freshen up the room and create a peaceful environment.
Ultimately, feeling happy at home will break the boundaries your mind sets between you and the external world. In those days, you need to take the virtual wall down, not only to let nature into your life but also to reach out towards others. Making natural elements a base of your decor opens up your home and your mind.