One of the most common forms of personal injury is accidents that occur in the workplace. Throughout our daily working lives we risk injury from the moment we arrive on the premises, even without knowing it. Accidents can occur in the car park, the foyer, the stairs – and these are before you’ve even clocked in!
Then take into consideration that those working with machinery are always at risk from the moment they press the on button or turn the key, and it’s easy to see why so many people get injured in the workplace. For that reason it’s essential that the employer is covered so that they can make an insurance claim either on your behalf or to compensate you for your injuries – something that the likes of HCA Lawyers can assist you with if you feel that you’ve been injured at work and that your employer is liable for the accident.
Workplace injuries can include anything from a slip or trip on something that might have leaked onto the floor and not been cleaned up, to catching your finger in a machine causing serious injury. A lot of accidents can have long-term effects – particularly those that occur in the manufacturing industry or those working with vehicles – that can affect the person’s life in some way, such as causing a disability or broken or damaged body parts, which are particularly common.
Sometimes you can talk directly with your employer to organize compensation if you have been injured, but on other occasions you have no choice but to get legal representation in order to obtain the compensation you deserve for your accident, that could have been easily avoided.
To prove how easily avoidable certain accidents can be, take this example. Someone in a warehouse undoes the plastic strapping around a pallet and leaves it on the floor and goes to put the contents of the delivery on the shelving. Another person then comes along and does not see the strapping left behind, catches their foot in it and trips, severely twisting their ankle or knee to the point that they cause ligament damage and cannot walk. This can result in a significant period of time off work recovering and can affect your way of life because you cannot walk or run. In this instance you could be entitled to compensation because correct health and safety regulations were not followed.
A lot of people are put off making a claim because they don’t want to anger their bosses by suing the company. However, a lot of employers do accept responsibility and are happy to make compensation payments – you never know until you try. If you have a valid claim for compensation you’d be daft not to pursue your case, especially if the money could help to cover bills and payments while you’re on sick or no pay, or to cover your medical bills.
About the Author
Experienced freelance writer, Lara Anderson, wrote this article. Click to find out more about Lara, here. Lara specializes in providing business information to business owners and employees in Australia.
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