Having a baby is one of the great joys of life, and expecting parents enter prospective births with much excitement and anticipation . . . What they don’t usually expect, however, is to come face-to-face with potential – or tragically – real loss.
When little Elise Sneddon was born by forceps delivery in 2005, her parents never imagined their darling little girl would live just 17 days. A delivery gone terribly wrong, Elise died of injuries sustained during the delivery, leaving her parents shattered.
Grief-stricken and intent on honouring the memory of their little girl, Rob and Kerryn set up the Elise Sneddon foundation, dedicated to raising funds for the Neo-Natal Unit at the Royal Children’s Hospital in Melbourne. The foundation has managed to raise almost $100,000 since its inception, with all funds going to the Neo-Natal Unit, which looks after 600 sick babies every year. The funds raised will help buy life-saving equipment.
After witnessing the pain his friends went through, and keen to help in any way he could, talented family friend Daniel Corcoran decided to write a book to help raise much-needed funds for the neo-natal unit. The Iddly Widdly Fiddy Poo is the result – a book penned, illustrated and published by Corcoran.
I have to say – this fabulous book sent me into paroxysms of laugher. Yes, some books do make you laugh. Some make you titter. Some make you smile so hard it hurts. But this Iddly Poo – oh boy, be prepared. You see, there’s a poo in the house. It’s not in the toilet – oh no. Neither the kitchen floor. It’s in the bath. That’s right – do I sense the nodding of many a parental head right now?
But who did it? Was it mum, dad, grandad, the pet fish? And never mind who actually did the deed… what on earth are we going to do with it, before mum goes quietly insane??
Corcoran has penned a hilarious, totally relatable book that parents will cack themselves over (‘scuse the pun) and kids will be entranced by. I defy any child not to stamp their foot and demand repeat reading after repeat reading of TIWFP.
Corcoran’s superb illustrations add a depth and humour to the story that haul it out of the great-fun genre and plummet it into the hilarious. And not only is he a really clever guy, he’s also a very generous one . . .
100% of the proceeds from The Iddly Widdly Fiddly Poo go to the Neo-Natal Unit. Get yourself a copy, support an amazing cause (not to mention a talented author) and get ready to laugh.
Head to the website now www.characteristix.com.au to learn more about this wonderful book and to purchase your copy. Not only will this very special book entertain all and sundry, you’ll be helping a very important and heartfelt cause. And keep an eye on Daniel’s site – he is currently writing a very stinky sequel!