The National Australia Day Council is seeking nominations from around the nation for everyday people who are great at what they do, contribute to Australian society and inspire those around them. They could be quiet achievers, community members, leaders in their field of work, household names or unknown heroes.
The 2018 Australian of the Year 2018, Professor Michelle Simmons, pioneered research that could lead to a quantum leap in computing. Senior Australian of the Year 2018, Dr Graham Farquhar, is helping reshape our understanding of photosynthesis. 2018 Young of Australian of the Year, Samantha Kerr, is representing Australia in women’s soccer. Australia’s 2018 Local Hero, Eddie Woo, Australia’s most famous high school mathematics teacher thanks to his popular YouTube channel, Wootube.
Nominations for the 2019 Awards are now open to all members of the public across four categories: Australian of the Year; Senior Australian of the Year; Young Australian of the Year; and Australia’s Local Hero. Nominations are open until midnight Tuesday 31 July 2018.
Every Australian can play their part by nominating someone so their efforts and contributions are recognised publicly. It only takes one nomination for someone to be in the running for the Awards, but a nomination must be formally submitted.
Nominating is quick and easy – simply complete the online nomination form at or call 1300 655 193 for assistance in submitting your nomination.
Once nominations close, finalists from each State and Territory will be announced later in 2018 and the national Awards will be announced on the evening of 25 January 2019 in Canberra.