Being confident means you believe in your abilities to achieve what you want to achieve. You are more likely to try something new if you are confident – and having confidence will give you the ability to deal with the outcome, whether you succeed or fail. If you are confident you will find it easier to interact with people and build relationships. Confidence also helps you deal with life’s challenges.
Research shows that people who believe in themselves tend to have less sickness and better mental health. Developing your confidence will help you to make the right choices for your health and wellbeing.
Confident people seem to have something very appealing about them. Studies reveal that people with high levels of self-confidence know what they’re good at; they know the value they provide, and act in a way that shows this.
Confidence is dynamic and changes across your various roles. For example, you may be confident in how you parent your children or play a team sport, but not have the confidence to speak up at meetings or try a new skill. While it may seem that confidence is something you are born with, it’s important to know that confidence is gained over time through what you learn and do, and the influences around you. It’s not just something you either have or don’t have. It’s never too late to believe in yourself and increase your self-confidence.
What you can do
Pay attention: Observe confident people and note what they do, how they start conversations, their body language, how they dress, what they have in common – think about the areas of your life that you already feel confident about
Trial and Error: Try what you have observed – try speaking up at meetings, experiment with more open body language, try smiling at people and watch their response
Fake it until you make it: It takes time to master any new skill and for it to feel natural – persevere until it feels more natural
Feedback: Listen to honest feedback from people you trust and alter your behavior accordingly – coping with feedback is something confident people can do
Jean Hailes Women’s Health Week: all about confidenceThe Jean Hailes Women’s Health Week is a week dedicated to all women across Australia. It’s a week to focus on your health, learn more and take action. This year it’s all about building confidence. From 1-5 September take part in this free online event with a host of women’s health experts and celebrity ambassadors. Each day discover different articles, videos, podcasts, recipes, tools and more. Get involved: Share what confidence means to you on social media #WHW2014 or share your thoughts on our social wall Search our events page across the country If you’re in Melbourne, join us to kick off the week at Fed Square on Monday 1 September from 7am |
1800 JEAN HAILES (532 642)