There’s something so comforting and classic about hardwood floors! The light chill of the floorboards on a winter morning is naturally invigorating, and the sheen of the glossy wood in summer can be so glorious to behold. But, like all good things, our hardwood floors require a bit of give and take. There’s a fair amount of upkeep you’ll need to practice to ensure your floorboards stay glossy and scratch-free year-round. If you’re looking to show your timber floorboards some TLC, follow this guide for hardwood maintenance.
Use a steam mop
A steam mop is a fantastic tool that can help you gently wash your floorboards whilst also ensuring that your floors stay free from bacteria. Steam mops also use far less water than regular mops, which is beneficial for two major reasons. First of all, you’re saving water, and cutting out the middle-man that is harsh chemicals! Utilising steam mops is essentially the greener alternative to cleaning with a regular mop. The steam naturally kills of nasty bacteria without the use of third-party floor and surface cleaners. Secondly, steam mops leave far less moisture than regular mopping. Gone are the days where you’ll need to close off whole portions of your home because you need to let the floors dry for a good couple of hours after a thorough mopping. When you clean with a steam mop, you’ll be cleaning efficiently. Your floors are guaranteed to be back in business in under an hour.
Get a shoe rack
Although hardwood floors are generally quite robust, they can be prone to scratching and staining, primarily due to dirt and dust build-up above all else. A great way to ensure that your floorboards stay immaculate is simply by encouraging your family members to store their shoes on a shoe rack by the door. Not only will this help prevent unnecessary damage, but it can also greatly aid in improving the overall organisational style and orderliness of your home. There are a great variety of shoe racks that you can incorporate into your home, and you’ll certainly be able to find one that would suit you and your family’s needs.
No pet play
It’s no secret that dogs and hardwood floors don’t get along. Long canine claws can be a nightmare in homes with hardwood floors, and whilst the damage really depends on the size and breed of the dog, even small lap dogs with an abundance of energy can cause a few scratches on their own. You can combat the negative effects that our furry friends can hold on our hardwood floors by regularly clipping your dog’s nails, and dissuading rough play indoors. You should also ensure that all your pets are adequately housetrained, as urine can be incredibly damaging to wooden floorboards, and can often result in heavy soaking, staining, and stubborn odours. If possible, you should also consider implementing ‘pet-free zones’ into your home, to ensure that minimal damage occurs in specific areas of the home. Consider boundary-training your dog, or simply just making sure that they have a solid understanding of indoor etiquette at the least.
If you follow these little tips, alongside regularly sweeping and vacuuming, you’ll be guaranteed to have floorboards that sing and shine year-round.