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Everyone knows to mow their lawn to keep it looking neat, but did you know that mowing will also keep your lawn healthy? Each variety of turf has a different height to be cut at for best health. A general rule to follow if you don’t know what kind of turf you have is to mow high. Make sure you aren’t ‘scalping’ the lawn. Scalping is cutting so low that the roots are visible. If the grass is cut too low, weeds will have a better chance of growing and spreading. Before you mow, make sure your blades are sharp. Blunt blades do not cut the grass; instead, they will tear and rip at it, leaving an uneven and unhealthy cut. If you regularly mow your lawn and keep it at a good height, then don’t catch your lawn clippings when you mow. The small cut offs help prevent weeds and fertilise the soil.
Often, fertilising is a fantastic way to keep your lawn luscious and green. If your lawn has lost colour during winter or if it is dying from too much shade, however, fertiliser will not help it. You also need to think about what time of year you are planning to use a fertiliser. In most cases, the best time is in the middle of spring. The grass will need to be watered immediately after the fertiliser is put down, to ensure that it does not burn the top of the turf. Putting it down just before heavy rain or a storm is a great way to do it without wasting water.
General Care

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Freshly laid turf will sometimes develop holes and divots as the fresh soil settles. A bumpy lawn does not mow well, which encourages weeds. To counteract this you can buy bags of soil and fill in the holes. If the lawn is in good condition it will quickly repair itself over these patches of dirt. Most lawn will grow well without daily watering, but if you need to water, then it is best to do it as dawn breaks, allowing the water to seep into the soil before the heat of the day can evaporate it.
If you follow these care tips you should find your lawn growing like it never has before. What do you do to keep your lawn in great condition? Leave your comment below.