But where to start?
Your Health
Come on Ladies, who’s guilty of this one? We all know how vital it is to keep up to date with our health checks, but all too often we let it lapse. Are your pap smear tests up to date? Regular screenings are vital. The earlier abnormal cells are detected, the greater the chance of any treatment has of being successful. It’s best if you’re mid-cycle, so work out when you’re next due. Just picking up the phone and calling the Doctor now could save your life.
Now we’ve covered down there, what about up top? Have you given your breasts a thorough check lately? Lots of lumps and bumps on the breast turn out to be harmless. But you must ALWAYS get them checked. Again, early detection is vital to ensure a successful outcome should anything untoward be found. There are some great guides from the Cancer Council on how to check your breasts properly.
Your Finances
Have you checked your financial health? Are you up to date with bills? Are you on top of your finances? It’s easy to let things slide. If you have debts, prioritize them and arrange an affordable repayment plan. Are you paying more than you need to for essential bills? Check your mortgage and energy bills and shop around for the best rates. Evaluate your insurance cover. Have you got the best deal for the correct cover? Have you got all the cover you need? Critical illness and emergency protection may not be covered by your standard health insurance. Plans like Trauma Cover by NobleOak can offer peace of mind. Make sure your contents insurance is up to date, especially if you have recently made any expensive purchases.
Your Friendships
In this age of social media and email, it’s hard to imagine how we can manage to lose touch with people. But just because you’re friends with someone on Facebook doesn’t mean you’re still bosom buddies. The art of conversation seems to be disappearing as fast as technology is evolving. Not everyone has email or even likes talking on the phone. This is particularly the case of the older generation. And yes, these are the people who are likely to appreciate people being in touch than most others. They’re not exposed to the constant barrage of updates on their friends lives, as many of us on social media. Nurturing your relationships is they key to being happy. Money cannot buy happiness! Pick up the phone, or write a letter. Reach out to members of the family you may have lost touch with. Let go of the past and move on.
Stop neglecting yourself. You’ll be healthier, wealthier, and better off!