Despite there being, until now, limited evidence regarding their utility, infrared thermal detection systems (ITDS) are progressively being used for mass fever detection, and more so now than ever with the spread of infections such as SARS or COVID-19.
Progressions in conveyance coupled with the development and drive of human populations enable efficient transference of infectious diseases almost anywhere in the world within as quickly as 24 hours. This realization has encouraged many researchers and medical practitioners to look into the assessment of speedy mass screening methods to delay the importation of infection into healthcare settings, various countries, and communities.
The Reason for Having A Temperature Detection System
One of the main symptoms of any virus-fighting your body is a fever. If efforts are made to rapidly detect this symptom in patients or potentials at risk, it can save a lot of time between when the patient is infected and as they progress to becoming worse.
Screening has been used by many regions worldwide, for several useful procedures and continues to innovate health facilities and public places. During the outbreak of Influenza A back in 2009, which was also called the H1N1 pandemic, this method was used to identify people from a distance and to treat them within the quickest times. which lead to a higher turn around rates of patients being healed and this confined the spread of the virus overall. Interested in reading more? You can find some information on this recommended site.
What drives this concept are several experiments done on participants who had fevers and it detected it successfully. Screening can also be done in the simplest method such as asking patients if they have a fever and reviewing their symptoms. This can be done in the hospital or at the clinic when the consultation is on a one to one basis. However, in travel environments such as airports or airfields, it is hard to detect without using some sort of mass-detection systems, such as these systems which are far more superior than asking everyone if they feel feverish.
The Systems that Are Currently Available
In today’s world, the use of advanced facial recognition systems has become the norm. We see CCTV cameras on every street corner, around traffic lights and even public vicinities. These have started to increase a lot more now due to a precautionary method that involves infectious diseases and the like.
Implementing the use of these appliances helps to minimize the chances of false readings that can be hindered by instances such as a person holding a hot cup of coffee in their hands or having a heating pad on their muscles for back pain or muscle pain.
There are a few good ways of detecting the body’s temperatures using a device and one such known and popular one is the Elevated Body Temperature Detection System, information of which can be found on this website which is used to help detect any temperature fluctuations in people and especially useful in mass settings with a lot of people that need to be screened.
It does not require any contact and is quicker than the average unit. All you need to do is look at the camera device, and the unit does the rest. It will find the areas on your face that are hotter than the rest, typically near the eyes (inner canthus). This area has been shown to relate the closest to the base body temperatures of any human. This is the first point of confirmation and thereafter the second point of confirmation is applied using a medical thermometer.
These types of devices maintain a higher accuracy than many other systems and do not pick up on any external factors such as lights or HVACs.
Thermal Body Temperature Detection System is the second option, which is slightly similar to the one above. Infrared thermal detection systems (ITDS) usually offer better solutions to contact thermometers in any setting. This has been used in hospitals for many years to detect fevers and spikes in body temperatures amongst patients. It is also being used in airports and other health organizations to date.
Studies that have been done on these structures have had varied conclusions, regarding their efficiency and sustainability to screen masses of populations. However, they are still being used successfully in many establishments until some other variations are coupled with them or implemented.
When detected with the thermal imaging system and an image is taken; different color palettes are placed next to it to as a comparison, detect the difference and determine whether the person has a fever or not. These types of devices can precisely measure facial temperatures of up to 40 people at once and have an accuracy level of <0.3 degrees. It can be used at entrances of big facilities where lots of people go in and out of a building such as airports or shopping centers and conference halls for example. In the case of when a person with symptoms has been detected, the device has a built-in alarm system and the authorities can take appropriate action. One of the major advantages of utilizing these systems is that the detection is done without having to make any contact with any people, which makes it a safer option than the traditional use of a thermometer that is placed in the ear or the mouth as they would often do in hospitals.
It has become increasingly obvious, the need for remaining cautious in today’s environment with the rampant outbreaks of diseases and viruses, and innovative techniques such as these can now save us from becoming victims. Not only do they help us now, but they can be fundamental in the prediction of any possible viruses yet to come, such as in the food and health sectors, but are recommended to be implemented in almost any environment.
With scrutiny, it will be possible to control the environment and keep it safe from yourself and those around you. Current and future uses will also include security measures in identifying other sicknesses that are undetectable until the symptoms worsen and also with security companies as a means of identifying persons of interest. It has been shown to prove useful to police for instance. Read more about this on this website.