Varicocele is a disease that is a pathological dilatation of the testicle veins. Varicocele is diagnosed in boys, adolescents and in sexually mature men, including the elderly. Most varicocele appears on the left, on the left testicle (due to the peculiarities of the male anatomy), the widening of the veins of both testicles, on the contrary, is rare. Without appropriate professional intervention in most cases, varicocele leads to “infertility.”
Varicocele: causes
The causes of the development of veins of the testicle have not been fully established by specialists. However, since this disease is often diagnosed in adolescence, it is commonly believed that the underlying cause of the disease is a genetic predisposition, expressed in a lack of connective tissue. The lack of connective tissue, in turn, causes the underdevelopment of the venous valve, which cannot prevent the reverse flow of blood through the vein. In a normal state, the blood flows through the veins from the bottom upward (from the scrotum to the heart), but when the valve is inadequate, blood under the action of gravity begins to reverse movement, which causes deformation (expansion) of the veins, leading to the appearance of varicocele. Most often, in this case, the patient or members of his family can also be diagnosed with varicose veins.
Also, the causes of varicocele in men, especially at an older age, are considered to be:
- increased pressure in the abdominal cavity (stagnant processes), which can be caused by frequent constipation, excessive physical exertion, which causes varicocele;
- tumours of various kinds in the genitourinary system (primarily in the kidneys), which can also interfere with normal blood flow.
Varicocele: consequences
The main complication in the expansion of the veins of the testicle is infertility since excessive pressure leads to oppression of the function of the testicle and the production of a smaller number of spermatozoa, which causes infertility. It is likely to occur if the varicocele is not treated.
It must be remembered that in the elderly, the varicocele may be an incidental sign of tumours of various kinds, including malignant tumours. This is why when a testicular vein dilates, it is necessary to undergo a thorough examination of other organs of the genitourinary system.
Varicocele: symptoms
Specialists distinguish several stages of varicocele, each of which has its own symptoms:
- Varicocele 1 degree: the veins cannot be visually seen, and it is impossible to determine the disease, except in the case of a prophylactic examination with a urologist. At this stage, the disease is asymptomatic and does not manifest itself in any way.
- Varicocele 2 degrees: the expansion of the veins is determined by probing the scrotum in a standing position (at elevated pressure), in the prone position it is not determined. With a varicocele of grade 2, the patient may have unpleasant sensations in the scrotum. The localization of unpleasant sensations is often uncertain, and the sensations themselves are usually presented as pulling, of varying intensity. Pain can be manifested when walking or exercising.
- Varicocele 3 degrees: the expansion of the veins can be determined by probing the scrotum both in a standing position and in a prone position. Symptoms Varicocele 3 degrees can be not only painful sensations, but also deformation of the scrotum (its sagging).
- Varicocele 4 degrees: the veins on the testicles are noticeable to the naked eye, the scrotum is deformed even more. Painful sensations can be present even in a quiet state (without physical exertion).
Diagnosis of the disease:
The diagnosis of varicocele often includes the following special activities:
- Dopplerographyof veins of a testicle: gives rather an exact result, allows to establish features of a circulation in the amazed veins;
- Ultrasound of the veins: this method of diagnosis with varicocele also gives a completely accurate result. In addition, ultrasound and other organs of the genitourinary system may be prescribed, especially if there are suspicions of the presence of tumours;
- Spermogram: most often this disease is asymptomatic, and it is the analysis of the ejaculate, which shows the inhibition of the reproductive functions of the testicle, which allows us to confirm the diagnosis.
Here are, the most common varicocele natural treatment:
- Special gymnastics for the purging of veins.
- Herbal treatment by Grocare.
- taking healing baths.
- A compress of crushed leaves and wormwood head and a tablespoon of sour cream.
- Fruits of fresh apples.
- Acacia white flowers.
What exercises help with varicocele?
It must be remembered that varicocele, above all, is a disease of the vein. And, therefore, you need to focus your attention on activities that improve the condition of blood vessels.
To clear the veins, you can try this exercise. Standing on your toes and pausing for a few seconds, you need to drop sharply down. Such an exercise must be repeated at least thirty times. After the respite, the event needs to be repeated. There must be at least five approaches per day thirty times a day. Only, in this case, this varicocele natural treatment will bring success.
- Herbal Treatment: An effective means for varicocele natural treatment is the use of herbal medicines by Grocare. To do this, take tablets of ORONERV, ACTIVIZ and ACIDIM regularly with lukewarm water.
- Healing baths: Herbal baths have a good therapeutic effect. For example, you can prepare this compound. A phylogram of twigs of oak, chestnut and willow are mixed, filled with water and boiled for about half an hour. In the process of cooking, add 200 grams of string, chamomile and cucumber. The resulting composition must be infused overnight. Before taking a bath, you need to steam out three loaves of rye bread. Adding this solution, you can take a bath before going to bed for half an hour. Its temperature should reach 40 degrees.
- A compress of crushed leaves and wormwood head and a tablespoon of sour cream. Mix in equal parts these ingredients, then rub the mixture on the brand and apply to the testicles for 2 hours. This procedure should be repeated twice a week until the complete elimination of pathology.
- Fruits of fresh apples. For medicinal purposes, the best sort is apples Antonovka. To prepare the drug in a container, place 3 medium-sized apples and pour water. Cook until the fruit is ready and leave until completely cooled down under the lid. After removing the rind, grate the flesh through a sieve. The resulting mashed potatoes are mixed with the liquid in which the fruit was brewed. Mass take on an empty stomach three times a day for 70 millilitres.
- Acacia white flowers. To prepare the applique, you need to take one handful of fresh acacia flowers crushed in a mortar. You can use a blender or a meat grinder. In the resulting mass, add 10 grams of crushed salt, mix and leave for 20 minutes. to insist. Pasta is laid out with a thick layer of the affected testicle. Duration of treatment – two weeks. After a month’s break, the course of treatment is repeated.