Photo by Hal Gatewood on Unsplash
Monitor What They See
This is important, so if you really want to watch that action movie, make sure your child is fast asleep at the time and even try to ensure that your child does not mix with other aggressive children, as this will only fuel the behaviour. The input your child is exposed to will have an effect on their behaviour, so there should be no instances of fighting or other violence that they are exposed to. Articles stating firm guidelines on establishing good behaviour in aggressive kids are available online.
Model Gentle Behaviour
As we know, a child mimics what they see and that applies across the board, so if the parents model polite and gentle behaviour, this will encourage the child to do the same. There should be no instances of showing negative emotions around the child, as this only goes to confirm that they are on the right path, which, of course, they are not. If you are looking for a child care centre, there is affordable Guardian child care in Adelaide and other Australian cities, where your child will not be exposed to aggressive behaviour in any shape or form. The philosophy of these centres ensures that the children are not exposed to negative behaviour and should a child begin to show signs of aggression, this would be dealt with appropriately.
If a child displays aggressive behaviour, it is time to introduce the topic of self-control and as a parent, you very much need to take control of the situation. Explain to the child that certain things are simply not tolerated and refuse to endorse any show of violence, and always respond to aggression with calmness and serenity, which will instantly diffuse the atmosphere. If, for example, a child’s parents are frequently angry, then this is a prime cause of aggressive behaviour in the child and until this ceases, the problem will not go away. The environment a child is exposed to has a lot to do with their behaviour and by maintaining an aura of peace and tranquillity, we are helping to remove aggressive behaviour.
Peer behaviour can also cause violence in a child, so when your child is at the day care centre, notice the other children – if your child is at a reputable early learning centre, they would never allow aggressive behaviour in any of the children.
Simply put, you need to remove all instances of aggressive behaviour from the child’s daily life and if mum and dad are both calm and collected, the problem will soon go away.