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Smart Phones and Energy Saving
Many of us seem to have a love affair with our smart phones, so it’s good to know there is plenty of energy saving devices on the market which combine apps with saving that extra kilojoule. The integration between a smart phone and power saving technology has come a long way in the last decade, and prices are getting more reasonable. The smart thermostat for example, used to be a luxury only for the very wealthy, but now is affordable for many. This nifty piece of tech learns your heating and cooling habits, records your preferences and maintains your home at the ideal temperature. Completely mobile friendly, the smart thermostat can be programmed on the go, ensuring energy is not wasted if you forget to flick the switch before heading away for a few days.
Saving money whilst using Power
If you’re always running low on power and needing to charge on the go, a solar charger could be the answer. With the Aussie summer fast approaching, there’s no better time to invest in one of these smart little gadgets, which uses renewable energy to power devices on the go. Work on a laptop in the garden without the tangle of extension cables whilst saving energy – a no-brainer if your home is also your office. In addition to the solar charger, smart plugs charge devices at the wall, but switch off when the device stop drawing voltage, preventing any energy wastage.
Energy Providers and the Carbon Tax
The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission are tasked with monitoring energy providers over the next three years, ensuring consumers benefit from the tax repeal. We can only watch and wait to see what the energy suppliers will do next, but while we wait, let’s get into good habits, so when decreased energy rates are passed on the next energy bill could be a nice surprise.
Take a look at the graphic below to see where the greatest energy savings could be made around your home.