Photo by bruce mars from Pexels
The Advantages Of Studying Online
If you have a full-time job and need the income from it, or have family commitments that prevent you going to college or university, online studying could be your way of improving your skill set.
You are able to study at your own pace at the times to suit you. Because you are working on the courses from home does not mean you lose out on support. Tutors and other students hold online meetings so that everyone can discuss any issues and answer any questions you may have. With the emergence of virtual classrooms, you can all sit together for a lesson, or to find any help that you need.
When you receive your certification it does not say on it that you completed the course online. To start with it was thought that employers might not be too keen on qualifications earned this way, but the opposite has proved to be the case. Some employers appreciate the self-discipline needed to work hard on a course at home and think that shows the initiative that will make you a good employee.
One of the other advantages is that if you are considering online masters degrees from Aston, just as an example, they tend to cost less than attending a physical university. If you are working at the same time as studying, that can mean you do not complete your qualifications with student loans to repay.
Earn More Qualifications
Because you are already working in the career you have chosen does not mean that more qualifications would not be beneficial. It could be that you want to progress up the ladder in your current trade or profession or that you want to change what you do. Whatever the reason, having more qualifications on your resume can only be useful when you are job hunting or seeking promotion.
Learn A Second Language
Trade is more international than ever, If you can fluently speak and write a second language it is a big bonus for any employer. They may not as yet deal with the country whose language you know, but even getting an enquiry from them could be dealt with easier. Foreign companies appreciate the effort to send a reply in their native tongue, and that can help to bring the business to the company you are working for.
There are online courses for just about every language you can think of, and free apps that can help you learn while on the move. If you were able to get some work experience in the country in question, that would make your resume stand out even more.
Business Studies
Understanding the basics of how business works can be very useful, but having extra qualifications that go more into depth is without a doubt an added attraction to your resume. There are many growing businesses where the owners need help with various parts of their duties, but someone who does not have a clue how the business should be run can be more of a liability than a help.
With large corporations and multinationals, you may need a degree in business studies to get the job of head of a department, or for any other managerial role. Whichever area of business you want a qualification in you will find an online course for it.
Skills In IT
Anyone who is good with computers can be a valuable asset for any company, and a useful person to have around to help other members of staff with new software and programs. Why should any employer just take your word that you are brilliant in this field, as what is good and what is not so good is a matter of personal opinion?
Complete any of the online courses in IT skills and you will have the certificate to back up your claims and will find it much easier to get a job as an IT consultant, for instance.
Web Design
There are so many online resources that let people set up their own website free of charge, you may be wondering why anyone would want to pay a web designer. A basic website might not be too difficult for some people, for others they will be totally lost. The main point though is that they will never match up to the sites that have been designed by a professional.
There is much more to web design than making a site look attractive. These days, it needs to be responsive to all types of devices and be extremely user-friendly. If either of these things does not apply, the website will soon fail as it will not attract enough viewers.
If you want to be a web designer, and perhaps work in the marketing industry, earning your qualification will teach you about all the latest technology and the best way to ensure that the sites you develop are so good that they will bring you new customers, who have admired your work.
Education Does Not Have To Stop At 18
Education can be a lifelong thing if you want to keep learning. Once you have past the legal age for it that does not mean you have to stop trying to be more highly qualified. With online courses, age, gender, colour, disabilities, height or weight are not considerations. You are not going to be bullied because you are only 5ft nothing tall, or because you have a squint in your left eye. You can study safe in the knowledge that you will be able to complete your coursework without any of those problems that you may have encountered in your school days.