Founded in 2010, All Together Now is dedicated to preventing racist behaviour in Australia through innovative, evidence-based and effective social marketing. All Together Now recently appointed their third woman to the board, Sarah Thompson, Head of Finance Transformation at Westpac, as the new Secretary of the organisation.
The two other women on the board of All Together Now are Kylie O’Reilly who is Chairperson, and Managing Director at Australian Associated Press, and Priscilla Brice-Weller who is Managing Director and Founder of the organisation. Monty Noble and Professor Yin Paradies complete the team of Directors of the organisation.
“Women remain significantly underrepresented on boards and at senior management level,” Priscilla Brice-Weller said. “All Together Now is dedicated to eradicate racism in Australia. We are aware that being a woman with an ethnic or Indigenous cultural background often means being exposed to even more discrimination.”
Having a majority of women on a Board is still uncommon in 2012, despite public discourses and political will.
The 2010 Gender Equality Blueprint identified women in leadership as one of five key priority areas in achieving gender equality. Yet, the latest statistics show that in the ASX top 200 companies women comprise just 2.5% of Chairperson roles, 3% of CEOs and 14% of Directorships.
“Having a majority of women on our board sends a positive signal. Any form of discrimination, either based on gender or skin colour, perpetuates existing stereotypes,” Kylie O’Reilly explained. “All Together Now develops smart social campaigns to bring positive change in society to reduce racism in Australia.”
For more information about All Together Now visit the website:
Pictured from L to R: Sarah Thompson, Secretary; Kylie O’Reilly, Chairperson; Priscilla Brice-Weller, Managing Director