Over the years, women’s beauty has been through many evolutions. We have seen so much expansion and growth that at times, it has been challenging to keep up. Even so, the ongoing ebbs and flows that have created the evolutionary foundations of women’s beauty – and beauty as a whole, for that matter – have propelled into motion the modernisation of an industry that, by all accounts, has always been one of extreme traditional standards.
The changing expectations and standards of modern consumers has more or less forced the beauty industry that spans the globe into a position of transition, the likes of which is being empowered forward by an incredible amount of interest and investment as well as awareness and understanding of not just what modern women expect from beauty brands today, but also what they expect from beauty brands as we head into the future.
Women’s beauty up until this point
We have seen quite a lot of evolutionary progress in women’s beauty over the years. This is especially true in recent years, where the entire foundations of what beauty is and what it should be have been put into question, in turn forcing even the most historically successful beauty brands to re-evaluate their position and their trajectory. Up until this point, the standards of women’s beauty have been exclusive. This has of course cast an unfair light on what is considered to be beautiful and how women should contort and change their appearance to fit into what is a tiny mould for any real person to fit.
Women’s beauty in the modern age
Thankfully, all that is now changing. Today, women’s beauty in the modern age is more enhanced and more exciting than it has ever been. Women’s beauty in the modern age is more driven by a focus on allowing women to feel beautiful in their own skin, enhancing the features that they have instead of parading the features of a select few in advertising and marketing efforts. The results have been overwhelmingly positive. Women’s beauty is finally edging towards being wholly inclusive on an international scale. And this is expected to be just the tip of the iceberg. Women’s beauty has come a long way to get to this point and there is still work to be done.
Women’s beauty heading into the future
There is so much to be said about the fact that today, beauty products and skin care products online are more inclusive and sustainable than ever. Women are feeling more accepted, more confident, and more powerful in their own skin than they ever have before. And they are choosing to focus on those feelings, no longer feeding into the decidedly unfairly exclusive beauty standards that, for too long, have been shoved to the forefront of advertising and marketing campaigns and the like. The healthiest and most exciting era in women’s beauty – and in beauty in general – is well and truly here. Let the fun and the inspiration truly begin.