The Right Cookware
Cooking at home is often a healthy option to eating, but if you have to slather your pans with butter to get a good sear, you aren’t doing the whole ‘eat at home and lose weight’ thing right. By cooking with non-stick cookware, you can cut down the amount of oil or butter you use for cooking and therefore cut out some unnecessary calories.
Incorporate New Foods
Do you find your regular old list of recipes lacking in excitement? Is your regular rotation of meals too limited, leaving you craving something from the take-out menu pinned to the fridge? First off, throw that flyer away and browse the internet for some new recipes within your cooking abilities. No, it doesn’t have to be fancy. These recipes can get you started, and make sure you take the time to decorate your Pinterest board with new things you want to try that you can imagine yourself eating. Your waistline, not to mention your wallet will thank you for not eating all that oil-laden take out!
Get Creative
If you have ever watched the show ‘Chopped,’ you already know what I’m talking about. Take three things in your fridge with the best-by date fast approaching and see what new dish you can come up with. Not only will you feel the challenge, but you can use up some of the foods that might otherwise go to waste. Try a new veggie, grain, and sauce combo, or prepare your meat in a novel way. If that seems a little too ambitious, take your creativity down a notch to something less complicated. Pick up a new spice from the store and see how it changes up your taste. You may just find a new favorite aroma to dash in your pot.
Use Smaller Plates
Do you find yourself overloading your plate? Here’s a trick: try using the smaller salad plate instead. You won’t be able to pile as much food on, helping stave off overeating. This technique, combined with waiting a few minutes before deciding if you want seconds, has been clinically proven to be a highly successful weight loss strategy.
Breakfast Time
We’ve all heard it: breakfast is the most important meal of the day. There’s a reason this saying is so ubiquitous. If you forgo breakfast due to the morning rush, or the mistaken belief that a skipped meal will keep you thin, you’re in for a shock. When you miss breakfast, you’re more inclined to grab a sugary snack from the vending machine out of mid-morning, desperation hunger. Instead, wake up a little earlier and prepare a nice meal to get your day started on the right foot. Here are a few simple, quick ideas that even the most time-poor can whip up at home.
Cooking at home provides many advantages for those wishing to stay slim and healthy all year round. Whether it is picking the right non-stick pan, exploring new recipes, or simply blending your favorite fruits with yogurt into a smoothie to enjoy on your commute, you can easily stay on the right path for whatever health goals you have.