I have not come across any other ingredient than coconut oil that works wonders for the skin, hair and health all at the same time. Adding a few tablespoons of this miraculous item to your daily diet could be one of the easiest ways to improve your health, well-being and appearance. And when you take your bottle of coconut oil out of the kitchen you can find out other surprising uses for it around the house.
Here are 7 amazing benefits of coconut oil that can replace many products used in the house for everyday concerns.
Coconut Oil protects hair against damage, moisturizes skin and acts as a sunscreen
Coconut oil is popularly known for its use in cosmetic products to improve the health and appearance of skin and hair. Regular application of coconut oil is found to improve the moisture and lipid content of the skin. It can also prevent hair damage and hair loss. If you have dandruff, the fatty acid contents of coconut oil can help fight against it.
Another application of coconut oil is by using it like a mouthwash. In this process, it can effectively kill some of the harmful bacteria in the mouth, reduce bad breath and further improve the dental health.
Coconut Oil helps burn more fat
Different foods have different sort of effects on our bodies and metabolism. Coconut oil for example is one such food item that is rich in calories, yet not adding up to the body fat.
The medium chain triglycerides (fatty acids) in coconut oil can boost the energy consumption by up to 5% (roughly 120 calories per day). This leads to a greater portion of fat loss, while sparing the lean muscles.
Coconut Oil kills harmful microorganisms
Coconut oil is rich in 12-carbon (Lauric Acid) which remains unaffected during digestion. But the other components of coconut oil react with enzymes inside the body to form a monoglyceride called Monolaurin.
Both these elements ‘lauric acid and monolaurin’ are highly active in fighting harmful pathogens like bacteria, viruses and fungi. For example, Staphylococcus Aureus (a harmful pathogen) and Yeast Candida Albicans (causing yeast infection) cannot stand these elements derived from coconut oils.
Coconut Oil helps improve blood cholesterol levels
Coconut oil is loaded with saturated fats, which helps raise HDL (the good cholesterol level) in the blood stream. It further helps breakdown of the LDL (bad cholesterol) into a benign subtype resulting in reduced risk of heart disease over the long term.
Coconut oil has great medicinal properties
Consumption of coconut oil can lead to immediate improvement in brain function of patients with milder forms of Alzheimer’s and epilepsy. In this disease, the brain cells are unable to produce sufficient energy for its functioning.
The MCT’s (medium chain triglycerides – fatty acids) in coconut oil are digested to produce a higher level of ketones in patient’s body. The ketones can in turn help in creating an alternate source of energy to help repair brain function.
Coconut oil as a stain remover
Coconut oil in combination with baking soda helps in getting rid of little greasy, fat-based or wax stains on clothes and upholstered furniture. Only a little amount of mixture is required to be rubbed against the stain and left aside to sit for a few minutes before wiping off.
It is recommended to test a sample of the stain first before treating the complete patch, as some fabrics may react differently.
Coconut oil reduces hunger pangs
For those trying to shed some pounds, coconut oil is very useful. The MCTs in coconut oil have the ability to kill hunger and let you feel contended for longer.
The MCTs in coconut oil are digested differently from long-chain fatty acids. In a study where 6 men were fed with varying amounts of both types of fatty acids it was found that men who ate mostly MCTs consumed fewer calories a day than the other group of men who ate fewer amounts of MCTs. The conclusion derived from the study clarified that MCTs lets people eat less without even noticing it.
As a rule of thumb, the less processed a coconut oil the better. Refined and filtered coconut oil is likely less beneficial than virgin coconut oil. So, if you want a product with the best (natural) flavor, look for jars labeled virgin coconut oil. That would mean it is made with a process that preserves its tropical taste and most of its nutrients.