Sometimes we just need to grab a little bit of peace and relaxation time where we can, so with that in mind here are some ideas to help you to do just that:
Make Some Space
Find somewhere in your home that’s not been taken over by kids toys and make it your own space to chill out in. It could even be your living room, make sure that the kids tidy away all their stuff from the room each night, and then enjoy this space for relaxing in. Create a welcoming feel to the room with cushions and cosy throws to snuggle up in, your favourite books or magazines to read, use an aromatherapy diffuser to fill the room with a relaxing scent and relax. Once the kids are tucked up in bed, make this your time to chill out and recharge your batteries after a long day.
Be Mindful
Are you feeling really stressed? Then give mindfulness a try; the benefits of mindfulness are far-reaching and can help to create a shift in our thinking. While many people practice mindfulness every once and awhile, regularly using mindfulness as part of your stress-relieving tool kit could bring with it significant benefits.
Focusing on the here and now, rather than your never-ending to-do list, will give you the space to break free from the constant chatter in your mind. All those things that you need to do will seem a whole lot easier to tackle when you’ve created some calm in your head.
A mindfulness app is a great way to always have a mindfulness reminder ready and waiting for when you need it.
Get Some Air
The effect that getting something as simple as spending time outside in the fresh air can have never fails to impress. Taking the time to step outside and get some air is a great way to create some distance from a stressful situation, whether that’s at work or at home.
When you’re busy rushing around all day, it can be hard to be out in the open as much as you would like, but making sure that get outside even for a little while is a great way to clear your mind.
If you’re on your lunch break at work, why not escape the office and get a change of scenery, it’s sure to leave you feeling refreshed and ready for anything the afternoon throws at you.
If you are at home with the kids and things are getting a little fraught with sibling squabbles and making the house a mess, why not head out into the garden with the kids and let them burn off some energy while you enjoy the feeling of space that being outside brings with it.
Enlist Some Help
If you have that feeling that you’re the only one that ever does anything to keep the house clean and tidy, it’s time to take action! As a family, you are a team, which means that everyone does their little bit to keep things running smoothly. Giving the kids a few age-appropriate tasks to do around the home will encourage them to take more responsibility for keeping the house tidy, and will demonstrate to them that your family unit is a team and not a one-woman show.
Of course, learning a few skills now, even basic ones will set the kids in good habits for later in life and will demonstrate that you have faith in their ability to perform tasks well, which is sure to give their self-confidence a boost.
Make Some Me Time
Me time is a really overused phrase, but it doesn’t make it any less valid. Having some time every now and then just to be yourself and to do what you want to do is invaluable. Whether it’s meeting up with your friends for a coffee, or taking a yoga class, any activity that is different to your usual routine will give you some breathing space and leave you feeling a whole lot better afterward.
Get an Interest
Having kids and the general busyness of daily life means that mums often cast aside a lot of outside interests that they had before kids. If you have the time or can make the time then taking up a hobby or finding an interest is a great way to feel more like your old self. Why not try taking that hobby up once again that you used to love all those years ago? Or, how about learning an entirely new skill? So long as your hobby brings you joy, rather than extra stress, it will really benefit you and is also a great way to meet new people and make new friends.
Take Care
If you are always your last priority, it’s time to change your thinking. In a family, everybody is important, and as a parent, it makes sense to take care of yourself as best as you can so that you will be healthy, and as active as you can be for as long as possible. Getting caught in a cycle of feeling stressed, and always rushing around can sneak up on you. Making time for yourself too is a great way to reduce those stress levels and to simply enjoy the time that you spend with your family – no matter how hectic that may be!