On Friday the NSW Registry of Births Deaths & Marriages will marry 96 couples in a marathon day of Olympic proportion.
“This special calendar event has caused a sensation here at the Registry,” said Greg Curry, Registrar, NSW Registry of Births Deaths & Marriages.
This Friday, 96 couples will say ‘I do’ at Registry offices in NSW. This is a record number of marriages in one day for the Registry. To meet the demand, the Registry has extended its opening hours; the first marriage will start at 8:00 am with the last marriage finishing after 8:00 pm.
“We have never experienced such a demand before, and we are delighted to assist so many couples. Getting married on significant or lucky days is popular here at the Registry. Many couples feel that getting married on the 8th day of the 8th month of 2008 will add something special,” added Mr Curry.
In 1908, there were only 31 marriages on 8 August across NSW. This year the Registry expects to register more than 350 marriages from across the state.
In 2007, the Registry conducted over 3,300 marriages. The Registry continues to grow in popularity with couples for many different reasons, including affordability. Weddings at the Registry start from $298.00.
To find out more about getting married at the Registry, call 1300 655 236 or visit www.bdm.nsw.gov.au