The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) has launched a Small business newsroom where small business owners in Australia can get the latest business tax and superannuation information.
You can now get the latest business tax and super news from one convenient location, thanks to the Australian Tax Office’s (ATO) new Small business newsroom.
In the newsroom, you can:
- find the latest tax and super updates
- check important dates for your tax and super obligations, and easily download them into your own calendar
- share news articles that are of interest to you
- subscribe to get the latest news by email.
Four convenient news categories
The newsroom groups the news into categories of:
- lodging and paying
- employers
- GST and excise
- superannuation.
This makes it easier for you to find the information you need.
Subscribing to the newsroom
To get your tax and super news by email, subscribe to the newsroom.
When subscribing, you can choose:
- the topics you’re interested in receiving updates about
- whether you want to stop receiving general ATO letters in the mail, so you don’t get the same news twice.
But don’t worry! You’ll still receive letters that relate to your specific business tax affairs.
Check it out today!
Visit the ATO Small business newsroom today, to get the latest on your tax and super needs.
Check out our Taxation topic for more information on tax and your business, or our Superannuation topic for your superannuation obligations.
Sign up to our free email update service so you can keep up-to-date with government changes that affect business.
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