Many people will have made a new years resolution to lose weight and improve their health or have just reached a point of frustration after trying just about everything to lose weight only to start over again. Losing the Last 5 kgs: simple steps to get the body you want now by Susie Burrell aims to help you break that old pattern.
Susie Burrell is a leading dietitian offering real professional advice on how to make positive changes to your life and help you lose weight. Susie is a columnist for The Daily Telegraph as well as appearing on TV as a regular on Mornings with Kerri-Anne and The Today Show. Susie has also contributed to magazines such as Good Health & Medicine, GQ and Alpha. She is also a consultant dietitian to the Parramatta Eels and a specialist weight management dietitian for The Westmead Children’s Hospital.
A lot of diets and exercise fads fizzle out being unrealistic and in many cases unhealthy. This book offers you the tools and motivation to break bad habits and replace them with simple but effective lifestyle changes that are healthy and sustainable. No pills, shakes or whacky machines gathering dust or serving as expensive clothes lines just sound strategies and advice.
Many people struggle to lose weight because of common road blocks like a lack of time, motivation and everyday stress piling up. Many women especially mums are so caring and nurturing to others that they forget to also care for themselves and take some time to focus on their own well being. In this book Susie breaks down these barriers and helps you realize your goals one step at a time.
You’ll be surprised how easy it is once given the knowledge and motivation. This book was written with everyday situations and people in mind. It not only offers advice on the physical changes but also the psychological barriers which hold us back from our goals. Rather than giving in to pressure from society and the media you are encouraged to lose weight and feel good for you first and foremost.
There are plenty of tips and recipes to help you along the way. You will not only know what works but also why it works in plain terms. After reading this book you should feel motivated and ready to take your first steps towards a happier and healthier more confident you.
Title: Losing the Last 5 kgs: simple steps to get the body you want now
Author: Susie Burrell
Category: Non Fiction
Publisher: Hardie Grant Books
RRP: $19.95
Publication Date: 1 January 2011
I bought this book on Wednesday and have almost finished reading it! Its fantastic and the best of its kind I have come across (and I’ve read a few!) Easy to read, lots of great information about nutrition and handy tips as well as some nifty recipes a couple of which I have already tried that were delicious and easy to make. It will be my weight loss, weight management and nutrition bible. I highly recommended it.