Image source: http://blog.beforward.jp/
Firstly let’s start by outlining the advantages of both to clear the air on a certain number of assumptions. That way, you’ll be able to use both the pros and cons to your advantage as well.
Advantages of buying a brand new car
- It’s not been used: Well, that’s a given but still. This is one point in its favour that’s quite hard to beat by most standards. No risk of past accidents, car air conditioning system failure, any wear and tear plus a fresh and clean start.
- Untouched warranty: The warranty is untouched, just like everything else about the car. Sure you can buy warranties for used cars but let’s face it, nothing really comes close to the warranty you get with a brand new car.
- Safety: Safety laws regarding vehicles are only becoming stricter by the day and the new breed of car models in the past few years. This is enabling a lot of high-tech safety systems to be installed on most of the new models, further ensuring a safe and secure ride.
- Lower emissions and higher fuel efficiency: As times goes by, cars are also getting more fuel-efficient as well as more powerful in the bargain. Not to forget that potential in the hybrid car/biodiesel sector is also growing by the day.
Advantages of buying a second-hand car
- Price: Another no brainer. Also the fact that it’s less expensive will also give you an opportunity to build and design more custom made features that strike your fancy rather than buying a brand-new expensive model with only a few custom-made features. Turns out you can kill two birds with one stone.
- The rates of insurance: This will be affected by the overall age of the car in question, but usually a used vehicle does tend to be less expensive. However it definitely wouldn’t hurt for you to do a little pre-purchase research, just to be on the safe side.
- No problem of depreciation: This is undoubtedly one of the main problems concerning a car that is brand new. Of course with every passing mile and month the value of the car goes down, however you mustn’t fail to take into account the basic fact that a certain number of car models lose 40% of their value in the first years itself, confirming the fact that the steepest decline happens happens from the moment you buy the car.
With a second-hand car there’s no worry of that happening plus there’s also the reassuring fact that any problems with the car in the past would’ve most certainly been taken of by the car’s previous owner.
- Choice: This is directly linked to the first point about the price. With a used car you can add a hoard of custom-made features of your choice plus you may even stumble upon the lucky chance of getting one of your favourite car models that are no longer on the market. Who knows?
Finally, you need to look at the most important fact that will ultimately determine your decision on this matter, which is your budget. If you happen to be on a tight budget, there is almost no question of you thinking of buying a brand new car. So keep your budget in mind always.

Image source: http://blog.georgekellmotors.com/