Supercharged Food: Eat your way to good health by Lee Holmes is a new cookbook aimed at reversing the damage of modern day convenience and aiding you in optimizing your diet. Whether you suffer from an auto immune disease, food allergy or just feel run down Supercharged Food is here to help.
This book is more than just a collection of delicious recipes it is the testament of its author who herself suffers from a non specific auto immune disease and fibromylagia. Where modern medicine had failed nature offered the solution. Lee has studied food technology and improved her health and well-being through fresh, natural food with scientific reasoning.
Nothing compares to eating meals made with fresh ingredients. Our bodies are fueled by food yet it has become our worst enemy and our emotional crutch with the technological boom effecting every aspect of the food industry. We have developed an unhealthy relationship with food and there’s no time like the present to spice things up.
Suppliments, chemicals and drugs have replaced natural ingredients and traditional cooking. This book aims to help you on the journey to better health giving you the knowledge you need to set you on the path to a healthier and happier life. Perhaps you remember a time when eating gave you the feeling of being re-energized and satisfied rather than just full or even guilty.
The recipes of Supercharged Food are designed to be simple and easy to make and leave room for customization. Lee encourages you to tailor them to your own tastes and needs helping you do so by giving you a new perspective on food. The book contains a wealth of knowledge on many different foods and explains their benefits and ways to make eating an enjoyable experience. It also contains a list of foods to avoid and offers alternatives so you don’t feel deprived in the process.
Its time to make that change, a healthier more energetic you is within your reach.