On the twelfth day of business the business.gov.au website gave to me, business topics in a handy online library.
We’ve developed a set of essential business topics to help you start, run and grow your business.
We understand navigating through the vast amount of information available for business can be frustrating and time consuming, so our business topics aim to provide you quality information in a simple, quick and easy to read format to help save you time and money.
The business.gov.au Business topics provide a range of information for business owners including:
- managing your finances
- hiring people
- retail leasing
- registering a home-based business
- marketing and advertising
- online businesses
- record keeping
- fair trading.
View our range of helpful Business topics and start building your business knowledge now.
Stay tuned for more ‘business treats’ in our 12 days of business countdown! We’ll be publishing a new treat each day on the website until Christmas.
We’re also publishing fun images on our Facebook and Twitter pages, take a look and share them with your friends.
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- Join business.gov.au on Facebook to get the latest business news delivered straight to your news feed and to take our quick polls.
- On Twitter? Follow us @business_gov_au.
- Watch our suite of useful business videos on our business.gov.au YouTube channel.
- Get the latest in business news emailed to your inbox by signing up to business.gov.au’s free email updates.
- Visit our Business Apps page and download our FREE Apps to complete your business planning suite.
This information is brought to you by business.gov.au