While in the short term, this approach might be effective in getting things done, in the long run, it is going to have a negative impact on our health. As human beings, we are designed to be outdoors, immersed in nature and many people would argue that this environment is, in fact, where we are most productive. Being surrounded by nature has a very positive impact, not only on our productivity levels but also on our health as a whole. It’s important to make time to get outside and immerse yourself in nature for your health, happiness and to boost your productivity.
Continue reading to learn how surrounding yourself with nature will make you more productive.
Effects Of Natural Light
Natural light has many positive health benefits for all of us. By simply switching from being in an artificially lit environment for one flooded with natural light, you will start to feel all sorts of benefits. Whether you choose to take a walk in the mornings, you open the blinds on your windows to let more light in or you install skylights to let more natural light flood your home or office, more natural light in your life is always a positive thing. Exposure to sunlight will boost your levels of vitamin D and also increase the production of serotonin and dopamine, which are responsible for keeping us alert and for improving our mood. Being in better health and a better mood will ultimately lead to you being much more productive.
Restored Mental Energy
Going for a walk or finding a quiet place to meditate in nature is a great way to switch off and give our brains some much-needed rest. All day long, we are thinking, talking, explaining, considering, and doing a million other tasks with our brain. At the end of the day after processing so much of this information, it’s understandable that we might be tired and feeling anything but productive. However, simply taking a brisk walk outside, riding your bike through a trail, or going for a run through nature will reset your brain and help you prepare for what lays ahead. When you return home or to work the next day, your mind is rested and you can concentrate on what it is you need to do.
Increased Focus
Getting out in nature and giving your brain a break from all of the negative influences that we experience in artificial environments, will improve your focus. Whether you are out exercising or just enjoying nature, being out in the open can help you to get rid of a lot of the tension that makes it difficult to think. When you get back to your desk, you will be more rested, and better able to focus on the task at hand is easy. Having the energy to really zone in on focus on what you are doing will give you the clarity you need to be more productive both at home and at work.
Unwind And Recharge In Nature
Taking the chance to connect with nature offers a number of health benefits, boosts our mood and gives us the concentration and focus we need to get things done. The demands of modern life can be tough on all of us and stress can be hugely detrimental to your health. To avoid getting overly stressed out and feeling down, it’s important to get out in nature and recharge your brain. Not only will you be more productive but you will be more relaxed and happy in yourself too.