According to the authors of RU 486 Misconceptions, Myths and Morals, the controversial abortion pill RU 486, is a second rate unpredictable chemical that has spectacularly failed. Heavy bleeding, transfusions, vomiting, severe pain and infection are among the adverse effects and some women have died from sepsis and cardiovascular events after taking RU 486.
The authors of RU 486 Misconceptions, Myths and Morals, Janice Raymond and Lynette Dumble, support a woman’s right to have an abortion, but argue that the positive claims made for RU 486 are filled with myths and misconceptions.
The new edition of the 1992 Highly Commended, Human Rights Award for Non-fiction, includes a new preface written by former Associate Professor in Women’s Studies at Deakin University, Dr Renate Klein (pictured).
When the French abortion pill RU 486 (mifepristone) came on the market in the late 1980s it was hailed as ‘the moral right of women’ which would stop millions of women dying from unsafe abortions. But more than 20 years later the deaths haven’t stopped.
RU 486 used on its own is a failed abortifacient and needs the addition of a prostaglandin, a dangerous drug. But the ‘success’ rates of the drug cocktail RU 486/prostaglandin still remains at 92 to 95 per cent compared with 98 to 99 per cent for suction abortions. Suction abortions, which are best done with a local anaesthetic, involve no harmful drugs and are completed in 30 minutes. By contrast, RU 486/PG abortions last for days, sometimes weeks.
Dr Raymond and Dr Dumble PhD have reached the conclusion that RU 486/PG abortion only benefits the medical profession, drug companies and government health economies.
The release of this new edition of RU 486 Misconceptions, Myths and Morals is timely because in June 2013, the Federal Health Minister Tanya Plibersek announced that RU 486 (mifepristone) would be added to the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS). Australian women have paid up to $800 for the RU486 pill, but Ms Plibersek says from August it will cost less than $37.
Since it was first publish in the early 1990s, RU 486 Misconceptions, Myths and Morals, has become a classic text for health activists and feminists interested in the complexities of how drugs are developed, marketed and sold to women around the world.
This new edition of RU 486 Misconceptions, Myths and Morals is published by Spinifex Press and will be available in ebook (RRP $14.95) and paperback (RRP $24.95) format from 15th July 2013.
IMHO,Dr Lynette Dumble has no business to be lecturing about anything in connection to morals.
You do realise that she conned a disabled woman in the U.K. out of £2,000?
Utterly ignored the debt until she thought it would be statute barred,only,loans obtained via fraud don’t get statute barred…