Image by PatriciaMoraleda from Pixabay
This leads to countless questions about its usage, making some assumptions about the cup while others create misconception, which results in misunderstanding. With this said, the common topic that most women wonders are about the tampering of the menstrual cup with one’s hymen and virginity.
But do menstrual cups really tamper with your hymen and virginity? Are you wondering about the answer? Then go ahead and read the rest of the article!
No.1 Question: Can Virgins Use Menstrual Cups?
This question might be silly for some, but some women really wonder about whether virgins can use menstrual cups or not. If you’re one of the latter, then don’t worry, we all go through these stages after all.
So, can virgins use menstrual cups? The answer would be: Yes. If you are a virgin and is planning to use menstrual cups like the daisy cup, then you can go ahead and use one. In fact, using menstrual cups as soon as your menstruation starts is a good deal.
Know that there is no age limit when it comes to using menstrual cups. However, it is recommended that one should be comfortable with one’s body and period enough to use menstrual cups.
With this said, since the vaginal muscles are tighter when one is a young lady or virgin, this might make the insertion difficult. Thus, you might want to consider some factors and know some techniques.
Therefore, you might want to choose and use small-sized menstrual cups and practice in the beginning. Now, if it feels uncomfortable for you, then you do not have to force it. Take a break, relax, then try again later.
By practicing the insertion, you get your body to gradually adapt to the changes being made by the menstrual cup. This then helps accommodate the cup and make the insertion more comfortable. If you want to know more about menstrual cups, then you can head on to daisymenstrualcup.com to learn more.
The Old Wives’ Tale About Hymen
Many women had grown up believing that the hymen is like a special seal of womanhood that only breaks or bursts when one had its sexual intercourse for the first time.
However, this is considered a widespread misunderstanding by medical practitioners. Hymen myths, contrary to what many believe, the hymen is not a seal inside a woman’s vagina, which is punctured during first time sex.
Instead, it is a thin tissue which partially or fully covers the vagina, which a girl may be born with or without one entirely. Additionally, if the hymen is just all about sealing, then women wouldn’t be able to have periods before they lose their virginity. This since the blood wouldn’t be able to flow outside.
With this said, know that the hymen has gradually worn over time by doing physical activities. From sports like riding a bike to self-exploration, then medical tests, and lastly, by using a tampon or menstrual cup.
Overall, hymen or virginity is something that many countries, culture, and religion put a lot of value. Which also affects a woman’s worth in one way or another. However, scientifically, this is not a logical way to prove or disprove a woman’s virginity.
Know that by medical standards, being a virgin is not defined by the state of one’s hymen. Instead, a woman remains a virgin until she participates in penetrative sexual intercourse.
More About Hymen
The more facts you know about the hymen, the more will you will be able to clear out the misunderstanding. Thus, here are the additional facts that you might not want to miss your hymen:
Different Women Means Different Hymens. Like how many people do not have the same foot size, the hymen can look different from one person to another. This is because the membranes can have many different shapes that cover more of the vagina’s opening than the other matters.
Hymen Does Not Have to be Broken. As what was stated beforehand, the hymen is a membrane which partially covers the vagina. Contrary to what people know and say, the hymen doesn’t necessarily have to be ripped, poked, and popped since it is pretty elastic.
This means to say that the penis should be able to slide past the hymen when the woman’s body is ready to have sex. With this said, if you’re careful enough, then you will probably be able to push through the membrane.
All in all, menstrual cups do not take your supposedly “virginity.” However, it may or may not break your hymen, which is okay since it does not determine a woman’s virginity nor value.
It has been long gone since periods are seen as taboos in society. With this said, people should also look at the brighter side of the menstrual cups and starts to be enlightened by the knowledge the information has given you.