To celebrate International Day of the Girl (October 11) girls around the world will be taking over more than 500 positions of power in 60 countries. In Australia, girls will be taking over positions of power at places like Google, Metro Victoria, and the ABC.
International Day of the Girl (IDG) is held on the 11th of October. It is a day where we recognize the struggles faced by girls around the world – and raise awareness for new ways in which we can make our communities a safer and more equal place for young women.
Girls are one of the most marginalised and excluded groups in the world. So often we are still held back from achieving our dreams just because we are girls,” said Plan International Australia Youth Activist, Caitlin Figueiredo.
“So we’re using International Day of the Girl on October 11 to show what girls can do when they are given a seat at the table by taking over positions of power at places like Google, Metro Victoria, and the ABC.”
On October 18, 2017, young women will take the place of 17 Members of Parliament in Canberra for the day, to ensure their voices are heard by politicians.
Gender inequality is so deeply pervasive in our society and political system – from schools to public transport, from TV to social media – that every day is just another day millions of girls around the world are treated as somehow less, often with prejudice and discrimination.
So this year for International Day of the Girl, Plan International Australia partnered with Wellcom Worldwide to interview 18 Australian girls aged 10 to 17 years old, gaining rare insight into how this group experiences their world.
You can learn more about International Day of the Girl on the Plan International Australia website: