Following on from the popularity of the My School website, the Federal Government will introduce a similar website for Australia’s 39 universities.
Speaking at the Universities Australia Higher Education Conference yesterday, Minister for Education, Employment and Workplace Relations, Julia Gillard said the My University website will inform students about institutions, courses and pathways and showcase the quality of Australia’s higher education providers.
The My University website could include:
- student to staff ratios
- results of student satisfaction surveys
- measures of graduate skills
- graduate outcomes
- information about fees
- information about access to student services, and most importantly
- quality of teaching and learning outcomes
The Government wants students to use this data to make their choice about their university on the basis of information about quality rather than students having to rely on hearsay, inference from entry requirements or the perceived prestige of universities.
Ms Gillard said My University will provide students and their parents with a consolidated and transparent source of information about all of Australia’s 39 universities. My University will also allow universities to learn from the success of their colleagues and inform the community about the quality of teaching at our universities.
“This is a Government that believes every able student should be given an opportunity to go to university because we know that this is the path to a stronger and fairer nation. That’s why in 2012 we are uncapping university places so that the Government will fund a place for every student universities accept,” said Julia Gillard.
“As universities move to this demand-driven system, My University will ensure that students can make their choice based on robust and easily accessible data, which will in turn drive institutional behaviour.”
The Federal Government says it has the support of universities and the My University website will be developed with input from the university sector.
My University will launch in time for the beginning of the new uncapped system in 2012.