We live in an age where being busy is cool. It’s a sign of success. It shows that you’re valued. It’s a way of life. But, being busy can be harmful for your health. Because when you’re always on the go or you’re overloading yourself with work, it’s going to cause you stress. And the more stressed out you are, the worse it will be for you. Yes, this is very much the case for your health, but not only that – your career success and future potential too. To help with this, taking a break is often a really good idea. It’s something that can really benefit your creativity and allow you to come up with more ideas and really drive things forward. So let’s take a look at how you can do this.
Finding A Balance
To start with, you need to have a balance between work and play. This is mainly for your health, so that your body and mind can be at its best. Because if you’re overworked, it’s only ever going to lead to burnout. But also, so that you can have that time out, and then go back to your work with a fresh mind.
Working On Your Health
Working on your health entirely is something that will benefit you mentally, and allow you to give your work your all. Specifically, working on your nutrition and exercising regularly. If you make sure that you are researching the best nutrition, from the benefits of rooibos tea or avocado or acai and how it can boost you. Focusing on your health alongside slowing down is going to allow you to have more energy to then apply to your work.
Taking Time Off
Then, you have to make sure that you are taking enough time off from work. You may think that you need to work eighty hours a week, but what is that really doing to your health? And how do you think it’s affecting your performance? So try to stick to your working hours and make the most of your downtime instead. And make sure that you take vacations too. Here, you can take your time and do something productive or nourishing with it, so that you can go back into work feeling refreshed.
Having Boundaries
But then also, it helps for you to have boundaries too. Maybe for you, not taking work home, cutting work off at the end of the day, not working on weekends – or whatever, is important. It might really allow you to keep your mind sane, to get a bit of a break, and then bring your best work in the time that you are allocating to your career.
Changing Paths
Or maybe, it’s that you need to take a break from the career path you’re on altogether. Maybe a sabbatical will help? Or, you need to walk away from what you’re currently doing and into a field or a role that is more suited to your skills and talents? It can be hard to think objectively about this and identify what’s best for you. But, when you do, you’ll find that you can move onto the right path with a fresh mind and a better approach to making waves in your career.