Sex is an important part of any marriage or serious relationship. Even if you’re not married and choose to engage in sex when you’re single there are some things to consider. There are countless ways to engage in healthy sex while also keeping yourself safe. Sex does not get boring in long term relationships or marriage, in fact it should get better as you become closer and more trusting of your partner. There are plenty of ways to prioritize sex and keep it exciting– no matter your stage of life!
Communication is key when it comes to any form of intimacy and sex. Chatting about superficial things rather than having deep conversations will help initiate a safe and romantic environment for sex. Not only is communication important in initiating sex and creating intimacy, it is also important during sex itself. You should be able to communicate what you like and don’t like via your partner. If there is something you wish to talk about during sex, you should not be afraid to speak out. Additionally, if you are single or just met a new partner, you should not feel obligated to have sex with them right away. You have control over your own body and you should create healthy boundaries around sex if you’re not ready. Whatever the case may be, communication is key!
Take Good Care Of Yourself
Remaining proactive about your own health and well-being will positively impact your sex life. Taking care of your own body by eating healthy, exercising, and visiting the doctor routinely is good for you and your partner. If you are going to be involved in safe sex, it is always beneficial to get STI testing done. Even if you think you may be clean or you have nothing to worry about, taking a proactive and safe stance is always best! It is better safe than sorry! Additionally, taking control of your own health means you’ll have a more positive body image that you can bring with you to the bedroom. Sex will be more enjoyable if both parties take care of themselves and feel good!
Learn What Your Partner Likes
Understanding your partner’s likes, dislikes, and expectations is important. Not only in terms of sex but a relationship too. If you are going to be pursuing an on-going sexual relationship with them, you should check in with them from time to time. Having that conversation to discuss what they like and dislike can create a healthy sex life for the both of you. You may even want to understand what their desires are. Talk openly and honestly about what each of you wants that way when you’re in the bedroom you’re not guessing or feeling awkward around one another. Asking the simple questions to your partner will make them feel cared for and understood. It never hurts to ask!
Avoid Comparison
Comparison is the thief of joy. Never try to compare your sex life to others or what a movie looks like. Obviously, some of those ideals are unrealistic and may be hurting your sex life. There are no rules when it comes to the wrong or right amount of sex. What matters is the frequency of sex you have with your partner is right for the both of you. Talking to your friends and listening to what they call perfect sex may not be the same for you so try not to compare yourself to them. Sex is not always going to be perfect either so keep these things in mind when you are thinking about comparing.
Plan Fun Bonding Time
Bonding with your partner will have promising benefits to your sex life together. If you are dating or married, plan romantic date nights where you can spend some quality time together– uninterrupted. If you are not together, ask your partner if you can bond in another way, maybe by watching a movie together or dedicating certain nights to hangout before sex. Even if you don’t plan to date, creating time to get to know the person better can improve your sex. If you have children or a family, remember to create time for just you and your relationship without the kids so you can foster the love you have for each other.